World's most liveable city 2014 is... 2014年世界最佳宜居城市是…
The Economic Intelligence Unit (EIU) claims its annual Liveability
Survey could be used to "assign a hardship allowance as part
of expatriate relocation packages," among other things. But that needn't
apply to those in Melbourne, which for the fourth year running has been
declared the best city in the world to live.
經紀人信息社(Economic Intelligence Unit,
EIU)公布了年度宜居性調查(Liveability Survey) 「宜居性排名原為(僱主)作為調遷工作時加給的辛勞津貼(註二),包含在移民國外的搬遷補助(註一)」等等的一些用途,但那並不適用於連續四年被宣布為世界上最適合居住城市的墨爾本的人們。
The Australian culture hub was buoyed by superlative
healthcare, infrastructure and education as well as a murder rate of 3.1 per
100,000 people, half the global average of 6.2. Melbourne's total score of
97.5, assessed on various factors such as "stability" and
"culture and environment," as well as those mentioned above, was just
0.1 points above Vienna, which scored identically across all categories to
Melbourne except culture and environment.
The top 10 list hasn't changed since 2011 and of the 140
cities surveyed, only 20 changed score in the last year. "Over half of the
changes taking place over the past 12 months have been driven by deteriorating
scores," said the report, "with instability re-emerging as a key factor
in influencing global scores. "Events in Ukraine, in particular, have had
significant knock-on effects for cities such as Kiev, Moscow and St Petersburg.
前十名的名單自從2011年就沒有變過,而在調查140個城市中,去年只有20個的成績有改變,在報告中寫道「過去十二個月有改變的成績中,超過一半是衰退的」,「再次出現的不穩定性是影響全球成績的關鍵因素。」尤其在烏克蘭發生的事件,對於像是基輔(註三)、莫斯科(註四)和聖彼得堡(註五)產生了連鎖效應(knock-on effects)。
Localized instability has also affected locations like
Bangkok. "The score of Damascus in Syria has continued to decline,
although the escalation in Iraq is not reflected in our ranking because Baghdad
is not included in the survey." Tehran in Iran, Tripoli in Libya and Amman
in Jordan saw their scores improve, having "enjoyed periods of relative
stability following significant falls in liveability.
But over the last five years, global liveability has
declined overall, "highlighting the fact that the last five years have
been characterized by heightened unrest in the wake of the global economic
crisis." Kiev (Ukraine), Tripoli (Libya) and Damascus (Syria) have seen
the biggest falls in liveability over the last five years, says the report.
10 most liveable cities 10個最佳宜居城市
10 least liveable cities 10個最不適合人類居住的城市
131. Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire阿必尚,象牙海岸
132. Tripoli, Libya的黎波里,利比亞
133. Douala, Cameroon杜阿拉,喀麥隆
134. Harare, Zimbabwe哈拉雷,辛巴威
135. Algiers, Algeria阿爾及爾,阿爾及利亞
136. Karachi, Pakistan喀拉蚩,巴基斯坦
137. Lagos, Nigeria拉哥斯,奈及利亞
138. Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea摩爾斯比港,巴布新幾內亞
139. Dhaka, Bangladesh達卡,孟加拉
140. Damascus, Syria大馬士革,敘利亞
(註ㄧ)expatriate relocation package 移民國外的搬遷補助,package代表當中包含多項不同的補助,公司可能會提供暫時的住所、交通工具、文化訓練…等。
(註二)hardship allowance 辛勞津貼,是給予在潛在危險地區的駐外職員工作上或生活上的額外薪水。
(註三)Kiev 基輔,是烏克蘭的首都。
(註四)Moscow 莫斯科,是俄羅斯的首都。
(註五)St Petersburg 聖彼得堡,是俄羅斯的聯邦直轄市。