Can a company succeed with a toxic reputation? 一個擁有壞名聲的公司有可能成功嗎?

(CNN)Uber's route to the top has been pockmarked with scandal, from its acrobatic approach to transport regulations to the alleged misogyny of CEO Travis Kalanick.

But fresh claims that the company puts journalists and users under surveillance, and appropriates their data, could pose an existential threat.

The taxi-disrupting service has faced a severe backlash, with analysts and bloggers excoriating the company culture, and the viral campaign #deleteuber thriving across social platforms.

In response to the battering, the "most arrogant startup in Silicon Valley" has been forced onto the defensive. Representatives are emphasizing customer care and community values at the heart of their mission, breaking with their ruthless image.

But if bad publicity has darkened Uber's name it has not damaged its performance. After its latest round of funding, the company is valued at around $40 billion, and the service has expanded its availability from 60 cities in 2013 to over 200 today.

"At this point it's a reputation crisis but is not specific to the job they are doing," says Dr. Audra Diers-Lawson, a specialist in crisis management at the University of Manchester. "The reason Uber is still growing is that people still view them as a good service. If there was a problem with the rides we would see a much more immediate effect."
「這個時候這已經是名聲危機了但這危機並不只與他們所做的工作有關。」一名曼徹斯特大學危機管理的專家Audra Diers-Lawson博士表示,「Uber還在持續成長的原因是因為人們仍然覺得他們提供的服務是好的,如果是交通工具出了問題,我們就會看見更彰顯的立即影響」

Audra compares the situation with BP's plummeting stock in the wake of the Gulf of Mexico spill -- "a material crisis, related to their primary function" -- that is still depressing the company's performance several years later.
Audra把狀況與繼墨西哥灣漏油事故(Gulf of Mexico spill(註一)後隨之而來的世界英國石油(BP, British Petroleum)股票下跌做比較--「一個原料危機,和他們主要的業務有關」--數年之後那個事故還是持續對那間公司的表現產生負面影響。

Uber's crisis is far from unique. In a digital age, reputation has never been harder to safeguard. "Social media has made the world more transparent so bad news travels faster and spreads further," says Jonathan Hemus, founder of reputation management company Insignia Communications. "I would say reputation risk is higher than ever before."
Uber的危機已經不是獨特可以形容的,在數位時代,名聲比以往都還要更難捍衛。「社群媒體已經讓這個世界變得太過透明,讓壞新聞散播的更快也更遠」名聲管理公司Insignia Communications 創辦人Jonathan Hemus表示,「我認為名聲的風險從來沒有這麼高過。」

Given the volume of online opinion, much of it from anonymous critics that could be trolls or competitors in disguise, companies need not always take heed of it.

"Sometimes its better to let it go away," says Justin Fox, executive editor of the Harvard Business Review. "Large, established organizations can ignore petty complaints but must decide who to pay attention to. Every company checks the Klout of its critics." In some cases, companies have chosen to court controversy and prospered, such as with Ryanair and its combative Chief Executive Michael O' Leary who has often seemed to relish confrontation but posted record profits nonetheless.
「有時候最好還是等它漸漸淡去。」哈佛商業評論的責任編輯Justin Fox表示,「已經受到認可的大型機構可以忽視瑣碎的投訴,但必須要決定應該要去注意誰提出的,每一個公司都會查看Klout(註二)上面對該公司提出批評的人(所提出的言論)。」在某些情況下,有些公司曾選擇公開辯論,然後成功,就像是瑞安航空(Ryanair)和其常常看似享受著面臨的挑戰,但仍能宣告創紀錄的立論的好戰執行長Michael O' Leary

"It seems negative but is consistent with the image they want," says Fox. Even spats over charging customers for water or toilet use is "still spreading the message 'we are really cheap'."

A bad reputation can be a blessing says Noel Biderman, CEO of Ashley Madison, a matchmaking service for married people that is thriving despite more opprobrium than Uber has yet faced. The self-styled "King of Infidelity" empathizes with their situation.
Ashley Madison 的執行長Noel Biderman表示壞名聲可能是好事,對於已婚人士提供的做媒服務正在興盛,就算這比Uber已經面臨的一切受到更多抨擊,自稱是無信仰國王(King of Infidelity對他們的情況表示同情。

"If you're a disruptive business shaking up an existing paradigm you know you will get flak, and you need to have your story straight. Ours is about shifting values in society and in people's behavior."

"Actors from mainstream TV shows are often told 'go and create controversy, let people see your flaws.' It gives them an edge. It can be the same for a company."

A pristine reputation may also be of lesser importance to larger brands, that are better insulated against reputation damage. Department stores such as Wal-Mart and Asda have been regular targets for consumer campaigns, but have continued to thrive through their ability to undercut competitors with lower priced goods. Monsanto have also shown that a dominant position in the market can compensate for negative impressions.

But such respite is only temporary, says Jonathan Hemus. Eventually a bad reputation will catch up with any business.
Jonathan Hemus表示但這樣的救急之計只是暫時的,最終壞的名聲將會讓任何企業嘗到苦果。

"In the longer term, no business can afford to maintain a negative reputation. Most successful businesses combine a fantastic product and service with strong, positive reputations and relationships."

"It's possible to recover a reputation, which depends on rebuilding trust and have to address the root cause of a problem, and prove you're taking action to stop it happening."

For Uber, there are numerous threats on the horizon that could make an image problem into a wholesale crisis, including tightened regulations, disgruntled drivers, and competitors such as Lyft that can trade off a comparatively friendly reputation.
So can they turn it around?
Uber而言,在他們的眼前有很多的威脅,而這些威脅可能會讓他們的形象問題演變成為大規模的危機,包括更加嚴格的法規、不滿的駕駛和競爭者像是Lyft 擁有相較之下友善的名聲。

"Not with this leadership," says Audra Diers-Lawson. "The first thing they need is a new CEO."
「擁有這樣的領導者是無法達成這些事情的。」Audra Diers-Lawson表示,「他們需要的第一個東西就是一個新的執行長。」

(註一)墨西哥灣漏油事故,2010420發生的一起墨西哥灣外海油污外漏事件[1]起因是英國石油公司所屬一個名為深水地平線Deepwater Horizon的外海鑽油平臺故障並爆炸導致了此次漏油事故



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