12 things to do in New York City before you die在紐約必做的12件事

1.Sing karaoke at Arlene's Grocery Arlene's Grocery唱卡拉ok
You can't play a guitar like Jimi, you can't sing like Freddie and yet you dream of being a rock star like Bowie. Especially when you've been drinking. Sound familiar? Since 1996, this former bodega has been one of the primo showcases for local bands in NYC, and on Monday and Friday nights, their famous karaoke band gives accountants, baristas and repressed librarians a taste of the limelight. Even if you don't have it in you to take the stage, the drinks are cheap and the people watching ranges from "wow" to "that's hilarious" to "what a train wreck."
But no matter the level of talent, the entertainment factor goes to 11.

Arlene's Grocery, 95 Stanton St.; +1 212 358 1633

2.Walk the High Line漫步在高線公園
Considered this generation's Central Park, the 1.45 miles of reclaimed railroad track is testament to community activism and urban beautification efforts. Initially slated for demolition in 1999 until downtowners Joshua David and Robert Hammond started Friends of the High Line, the park now hosts more than 4.4 million visitors annually, which has actually become a problem. The path is only 30 feet wide in some places, causing a pleasant stroll to sometimes feel like waiting in line. So visit early in the morning or late in the evening, and avoid weekends at all cost.
考慮看看這個世紀的中央公園,1.45公里回收再利用的鐵軌是社區行動主義和都市美化付成果的證明,最初1999年預訂要拆毀直到居住在市中心的Joshua DavidRobert Hammond創辦了高線之友(Friends of the High Line),該公園現在每年接待超過4400萬遊客,而這也確實成為一個問題,整個通道某些部分僅僅30英尺寬,有時會導致一次舒適的散步讓人感覺像排隊,因此請一早或是深夜造訪,並儘一切可能避開週末。

3.Get a ticket at Katz's Delicatessen吃吃看餐廳Katz's Delicatessen
Ever wonder what pastrami is, exactly? It's beef brisket cured in brine and covered with a mix of spices that include garlic, paprika and mustard seed. Then it's steamed until the meat begins to break down. The process was a way of preserving meat before the age of refrigeration. Today, there are only three NYC delis to get a traditional pastrami sandwich: Carnegie Deli, 2nd Avenue Deli and Katz's Delicatessen. Each of these granddaddies have their share of history and old-timey charm, but Katz's undoubtedly delivers the best experience.
曾經好奇煙燻牛肉是什麼,對吧?煙燻牛肉是牛腩用濃鹽水醃製並將其以大蒜、辣椒粉和芥菜籽混合的香料覆蓋,然後蒸到肉開始散開,這個過程在進入冷藏前保存肉的一種方法。現今,只有三間紐約市的熟食店能買到煙燻牛肉三明治:Carnegie Deli2nd Avenue DeliKatz's Delicatessen,這些歷史悠久的老家都擁有屬於它們的一段歷史和其古色古香的魅力,但Katz's必定能帶給你最棒的體驗。

Upon entering, you're given a ticket (which you better not lose!), and then you proceed to the counter to order (your ticket will get marked depending on what you order). If you're a traditionalist, you'll want pastrami on rye with mustard and a cup of matzo ball soup. A mound of pickles is thrown in for free. After taking that last delicious bite, take a stroll around the place to look at all the photos on the wall, and see if you can find the table where that scene from "When Harry Met Sally" was filmed. P.S. It's open late!

4.Watch some noir at Film Forum在「電影論壇」戲院看黑色電影(註五)
There are several good independent movie theaters in New York, but the Forum stands alone as cinema's obsessive historian. The atmosphere of the theater itself somehow matches the mood of the carefully curated celluloid that lights up the big screen nightly. International noir from Jean-Luc Godard and classics by Orson Welles are house specialties, but so are little known gems like "Scarecrow" (starring Gene Hackman) and "Public Enemy" (which made James Cagney a star). So the next time you're wondering what to do on a Friday night, take a chance and catch a movie you've probably never heard of.

5.Shop at Bergdorf Goodman在波道夫・古德曼百貨購物
At the corner of 58th Street and Fifth Avenue, where a Vanderbilt mansion once stood, is the city's temple to high fashion and conspicuous consumption. Founded in 1899 by Herman Bergdorf, the department store carries all the usual -- Prada, Chanel -- but it's also known for identifying and selling the best from upstart designers from around the world. Splurge on something, even if it's only a glass of wine in Goodman's Cafe.
58街和第五大道的轉角,曾經是范德比爾特公館所在,它是高級時尚和炫耀性消費的城市殿堂,1899年由Herman Bergdorf創立,這間百貨公司有所有常見的品牌—Prada、香奈兒,但它也以鑑定和銷售來自全世界各地的新銳設計師的最棒商品,來這裡揮霍一下,就算只是在Goodman's Café點一杯紅酒也好。

6.Cruise past the Statue of Liberty搭船遊覽自由女神
Go ahead, stare, she's used to it. All those poor, tired, huddled masses would have headed straight back to the Old Country if they had to endure the lines that typically greet the patriots and tourists looking to visit Liberty Island. The best way to see America's First Lady is to take the Circle Line Sightseeing cruise, which departs from Pier 83, down the Hudson River. It passes this close by Lady Liberty before heading under the Brooklyn and Manhattan bridges. (There are lots of Circle Line cruise options, so make sure you choose the right one. And a good alternative is a ride on the Staten Island Ferry, which gets pretty close to Lady Liberty, runs regularly and is free.)

7.Rock out at the Bowery BallroomBowery Ballroom夜店瘋狂搖滾一番
Ever hear of The Go! Team? How about Joan Baez or Soul Asylum? If not, then chances are you're not cool. Don't worry, though! A quick fix is only a gig away at this tiny concert venue where bands from all over the world come to jam. The bar upstairs is a great place to amp up with friends before heading downstairs to get electrified by music not meant to be consumed by mass-market audiences. Obviously you should do some homework and see a band that interests you, but any night rocking out at the Ballroom will be a night to remember.
有聽過The Go! Team(註十ㄧ)嗎?那瓊·拜亞(註十二)或靈魂收容所(註十三)呢?如果沒有,那麼你可能不酷,話雖然這麼說,但不用擔心!一個快速的解決辦法是來這會有擠滿來自全世界的樂團超小的演唱會場地參加一場現場演唱會,在前往酒吧樓下受音樂的震撼洗禮前,酒吧樓上是和朋友炒熱氣氛的好地方,(樓下的音樂)並不是市場上大眾喜愛的那種音樂,顯然你應該先做些功課並看看對哪個樂團感興趣,但任何一個在Ballroom享受搖滾的夜晚都會成為你永生難忘的夜晚。

8.Explore the northwest area of Central Park探索中央公園的西北區
Ask any New Yorker for a short list of must-sees in Central Park and they'll likely rattle off destinations like Strawberry Fields and Bethesda Fountain. But ask Central Park's historian, Sara Cedar Millar, for her favorite spot and she'll send you up north to the now defunct bridle paths. The area has a distinct topography (complete with waterfall), making it a favorite among naturalists and joggers alike.
請任何紐約人列出幾個中央公園必去的景點,而他們多半會不假思索地說出像是草莓園和畢士達噴泉的目的地,但如果你問中央公園的歷史工作者Sara Cedar Millar她最喜歡的地點,那麼她會帶你往北走到現在已經沒在使用的騎馬專用道,這個區域擁有不同於其他地區的地形(包括瀑布),讓這裡成為自然主義者和慢跑者的最愛。

9.Visit the National September 11 Memorial & Museum參觀九一一國家紀念博物館
Considering the unspeakable depravity that led to the creation of "ground zero," the feeling of reverence, endurance, perseverance and peace that now greets visitors is truly astounding.
More than 11 million people have come here from all over the world since it opened in 2011, and in so doing, paid tribute to the indomitable human spirit. The site is solemn, but it's also a place of wonder and learning, with the considerable effort of those who designed and built the memorial evident at every turn.

The two massive reflecting pools that cascade water down into the footprints of the two felled towers are equal parts moving and beautiful. Bronze panels surrounding the pools bear the names of everyone who died in the attacks, and are arranged with delicate significance. The museum, located seven stories underground at the base of the original Twin Towers, curates a powerful and extensive exhibit that includes crushed fire trucks, salvaged steel tridents that once held up the towers, photographs and biographies of all those who perished in the attacks, including those of the terrorists, lest the world forgets who was responsible.

10.Listen to live jazz in Greenwich Village在格林威治村聽現場演奏的爵士樂
What, you think John Coltrane is really dead? There are three known cures for jazz know-nothings in NYC: Smalls, the Village Vanguard and the Blue Note. The latter two venues have been around for the better part of a century, but all three attract the very best talent and have atmospheres that make for one of those late nights to remember. Go alone or with a pal, and hear firsthand the city's one true soundtrack.
什麼,你認為約翰·柯川(註十四)真的死了?在紐約市對於對爵士樂一無所知的人有三個知名的療法:Smallsthe Village Vanguardthe Blue Note,後面兩個場地已經有有超過大半世紀的歷史了,但三個都吸引來最出色的人才並有著讓那深夜變得難以忘懷的氣氛,獨自前往或和朋友一起去,然後親自聆聽這城市僅有並且真實的配樂。

11.Disappear inside the Met消失在大都會藝術博物館中 
New York is lousy with esoteric museums -- what, you've never heard of the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World on East 84th Street? -- but it's a different story inside the baroque colossus that occupies the east frontage of Central Park between 82nd and 83rd streets.
Its famed treasures are too numerous to list here, but with an operating budget of more than $250 million a year, it's the only museum in the world that rivals Paris' Louvre. Properly exploring the museum in one day is impossible, but arrive early and consider opting for the amazingly insightful audio tour.
紐約充斥著深奧的博物館什麼,你從沒有聽過在East 84th街上的古代世界研究所?但82nd83rd街之間佔據中央公園東側的巴洛克式巨型雕像又是完全截然不同的場面了,其著名的寶藏不勝枚舉,但每年有超過25千萬美元的營運預算,它是這世上唯一能和羅浮宮相比的博物館,但早點來並考慮看看選擇其令人驚奇的、有深刻見解的語音導覽。

Don't Miss These Treasures:
• The Musicians by Caravaggio卡拉瓦喬的《音樂家們》
• Autumn Rhythm by Jackson Pollock傑克遜·波洛克的《秋天的節奏》
• Marble statue of the emperor Caracalla卡拉卡拉皇帝的大理石雕像
• The dining room of Kirtlington Park Kirtlington公園的餐廳
• The Egyptian room埃及人的房間

The Metropolitan Museum of Art; 1000 Fifth Ave.; +1 212 535 7710

12.Catch a Yankees game看一場洋基隊的比賽
Between innings, make up A-Rod headline puns. If you're not from New York -- and even if you are -- there's a good chance you're not a fan of baseball's greatest-ever team. Nevertheless, a trip to Yankee Stadium should come before a trip to Cooperstown [location of the National Baseball Hall of Fame] for any lover of America's national pastime. Regular stadium seating tickets range from $100 all the way up to a ridiculous $200, though the $78 for the bleacher is a good option if you don't mind being cut off in the 5th inning (concession stands everywhere else serve until the 7th inning) and have a tolerance for vulgar chants.
Make sure you stay to the end to hear Frank Sinatra's "New York, New York," provided the home team wins!

Yankee Stadium, 1 E. 161st St., Bronx; +1 718 293 4300

(註一)Jimi 吉米,全名詹姆斯·馬歇爾·「吉米」·罕醉克斯(James Marshall "Jimi" Hendrix),是美國知名的製作人兼創作音樂人,被公認是美國音樂史中最重要的電吉他演奏者。
(註二)Freddie 弗雷迪,全名弗雷迪·默丘里(Freddie Mercury),是一位英國音樂人、創作歌手,以搖滾樂團皇后樂團的主唱和主創身份最為出名。
(註三)Bowie 鮑伊,全名大衛·鮑伊(David Bowie),是英國搖滾音樂家、詞曲創作人、唱片製作人和演員。
(註四)When Harry Met Sally當哈利遇上莎莉(電影)
(註五)film noir 黑色電影,多指好萊塢偵探片,特別是強調善惡劃分不明確的道德觀與來自於性的動機的題材。
(註六)independent movie 獨立製片的電影,這類電影包含藝術電影、記錄片等等。不以賺錢為目的,通常不在院線上映,而只在各大城市中特定的幾家電影院巡迴放映。
(註七) Jean-Luc Godard 尚盧·高達,是一個法國和瑞士藉導演。他是法國新浪潮電影的奠基者之一。
(註八) Orson Welles 奧森·威爾斯,是美國電影導演、編劇和演員。1999年,他被美國電影學會選為百年來最偉大的男演員第16名。
(註九) Gene Hackman ·哈克曼,是一位非常成功的美國動作片演員。他在1971年因為主演《霹靂神探》而獲得奧斯卡最佳男主角獎並為世人所認識,在電影裡常演上校、准將。
(註十)James Cagney 詹姆斯·卡格尼,是一位美國電影演員,卡格尼曾經以《北方帥小伙》(Yankee Doodle Dandy)贏得1942年奧斯卡最佳男主角獎,1999年,他被美國電影學會選為百年來最偉大的男演員第8名。
(註十ㄧ) The Go! Team是一個英國的樂團。
(註十二) Joan Baez·拜亞,美國鄉村女歌手,作曲家。
(註十三) Soul Asylum 靈魂收容所,是一支美國的搖滾樂隊。於1992年,樂隊發布了第六張專輯《嚴肅的舞者聯盟(Grave Dancers Union)》,這張專輯取得了商業上的成功,在美國賣得三白金的佳績,樂隊因此一炮而紅。此專輯中,收納了一首樂隊最廣為人知的單曲《遠走的列車(Runaway Train)》,此曲於1994年獲得美國音樂界最具權威的獎項——格林美最佳搖滾歌曲獎。
(註十四)John Coltrane約翰·柯川,是美國爵士薩克斯風表演者和作曲家。
(註十五)A-Rod,全名亞歷山大·伊曼紐爾·羅德里奎茲,被譽為最佳全能型球員之一。自1996年至2008年他的個人數據如全壘打、得分、打點、壘打數都曾在大聯盟領先。他最為人所知的就是長打能力和102.75億美元大聯盟最昂貴球員合約。20092月羅德里奎茲公開自己在效力德州遊騎兵使用違禁藥品。 2013年球季結束後,A-ROD被大聯盟因禁藥問題被大聯盟禁賽,2014162場球賽皆不得上場。



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