Japan's crazy underground bike vaults 瘋狂日本地下腳踏車車庫

In Tokyo, 14% of commuting traffic is on bike, according to the Japanese Transport Ministry. 根據日本交通部指出,在東京,有百分之 14 的人是以腳踏車作為通勤的工具。 But you'd never guess it. That's because the Japanese capital is burying thousands of bikes in underground parking vaults, in a bid to keep its sidewalks tidy. 但你永遠不會知道有這麼多人在使用腳踏車,為了讓人行道看起來乾淨整齊,東京將數千輛腳踏車藏在地下的車庫裡。 From street level, an Eco Cycle looks like a small kiosk --a 560-square-foot hub with a door that seemingly leads to nowhere. 從地面上看, Eco Cycle 像是一個小小的亭子, 560 平方英尺的停車中心,有一扇像是同往無底洞的門。 In reality, these stations are gateways to futuristic subterranean parking lots, which each plummet nearly 40 feet into the ground and are home to hundreds of tightly stacked bikes. 在現實生活中,這些車站是通往未來地下停車場的通道,直直往地下將近 40 英尺處,那裡同時是數百個緊緊相疊的腳踏車的家。 Storage solution 儲存方法 In Japan, 78% of households own a bike, compared with 50% of those in Britain, according to a 2014 study by the Pew Research Center. 根據 2014 年皮尤研究中心的一項研究指出,比起英國人的百分之 50 ...