Coffee is practically a health food: Myth or fact?事實上咖啡是健康食品:迷思還是事實?
(CNN)Myth or fact? Coffee is good for you. 是迷思還是事實?咖啡對你的身體很好。 If you chose fact, you're right. New studies this week add to dozens more reporting the health benefits of coffee, including protection from type 2 diabetes, Parkinson's disease, liver disease, prostate cancer, Alzheimer's, computer back pain and more. 如果你選的是事實,你是對的,本週新的研究增加了許多咖啡對健康的益處的報告,包括預防 2 型糖尿病、帕金森氏症、肝病、前列腺癌、阿滋海默症、長期使用電腦引發的背痛和一些其他的病痛。 But if you chose myth, you'd also be right. There are times when coffee is bad for you, and it depends on your genetics, your age and even how you make your coffee. 但如果你選擇的是迷思,你也是對的,有時候咖啡對你身體是不好的,但這要看你的遺傳基因、你的年紀甚至是你製作咖啡的方法。 Good to the last drop Coffee lovers rejoice! There are more studies than ever encouraging you to sip for your good health. 屬於咖啡愛好者的好消息!有比以前更多的研究鼓勵你為了你的健康去啜飲一番。 A huge study of more than 25,000 coffee drinkers in South Korea shows that moderate daily consumption -- that's three to five cups a d...