How to grow vegetables in the Sahara 要如何在撒哈拉沙漠種菜

The Sahara Desert was once a lush landscape full of exotic plants and wildlife, before a dramatic era of climate change created the arid plains of today.

Now an ambitious, high-tech agriculture project could make the desert bloom again, and establish a new green economy in the process.

Norwegian social enterprise Sahara Forest Project (SFP) is preparing for the construction of a $30 million facility over 10 hectares in Tunisia -- where desert covers around 75% of territory -- which will bring together cutting edge technologies to regenerate the environment, deliver fresh food and water, and create jobs.

"We try to achieve a triple bottom line," says Joakim Hauge, CEO of the company. "Something that makes financial sense, but also delivers social and environmental benefits."
公司CEO Joakim Hauge表示:「我們嘗試要做到三重底線(註一),讓這項建設符合經濟效益,又同時能創造社會及環境利益。」
Solutions inspired by nature受自然啟發的解決方法
The SFP has developed a model based on using resources that are abundant to deliver scarcities. This principle will be reflected in the core technologies of the Tunisian facility.

The desert sun will be harnessed for solar power to heat and electrify the site. Seawater will be piped in to cool greenhouses and allow year-round cultivation of crops, a 'biomimicry' process inspired by the Namibian fog-basking beetle.

Seawater will also be desalinated to extract both salt and fresh water, and the humidity of the greenhouses will be used to spur the growth of new plant life outside the facility, in the hope of regenerating a wider ecosystem.

The methods may seem far-fetched, but a successful pilot of the model in Qatar produced vegetables at a comparable rate to European farms over three crops a year, while plants multiplied rapidly around it. A scaled up facility is under construction in Jordan.

Hauge says that efficiency has improved as the group have learned to adapt their model to particular conditions.

"We have learned more about the value of local knowledge," he says, adding that the Tunisian project would rely on local talent across a spectrum of jobs from farming to highly-skilled, technical positions.

Hauge hopes the project, and its local employees, can inspire growth in the nation's renewable sector.

Right place, right time對的時間,對的地點。

Tunisia was chosen as the site for the project on October 9, 2015 -- the day a group of Tunisian activists were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for their role in the 2011 "Jasmine Revolution" that preceded a transition to democracy.

"Tunisia was always interesting for its physical conditions," says Hauge. "Political developments made it increasingly interesting for us."

That same day, the SFP convinced the Norwegian Foreign Ministry that a newly dynamic and forward-thinking Tunisia would be the ideal host for their project, and secured funding for it.

The Tunisian government has also been supportive, as it seeks solutions to growing climate threats such as droughts and floods. Tunisia recently committed to raising 30% of energy from renewable sources by 2030, up from just 1% in 2015.

In addition to addressing an emergency, the clean energy industry also offers another symbolic break from the past.

"The renewable sector can be good for our economic transition, after the success of the political transition," says Ammar ben Lamine, the Tunisian Ambassador to Norway, and a key ally of the SFP project.
駐挪威的突尼西亞大使及SFP計劃的關鍵支持者Ammar ben Lamine表示:「在成功的政治變革後,再生能源產也對於我們經濟轉型也有幫助。」
Like doing 'agriculture on Mars'就像在火星上進行農耕
Despite the success of the SFP pilot in Qatar, there are doubts that the project can deliver on its grand promise.

"The problems are not dissimilar to doing agriculture on Mars," says Professor Heribert Hirt, head of the Center for Desert Agriculture at the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology in Saudi Arabia.
位在沙烏地阿拉伯的阿卜杜拉國王科技大學沙漠農業中心的負責人Heribert Hirt教授表示:「這和在火星上進行耕作會遇到的問題差不多。」

"(Among) the biggest problems in the entire region of Northern Africa and the Arab countries are the dust and sand storms that constantly cover up solar panels and get into all machinery that is exposed."

However, Hirt believes that the SFP is "worth the effort and will teach us more how to transform these vast regions of unused land back into agriculture."

Addressing desertification has become a global challenge, that is listed among the UN's sustainable development goals for all member states. Responses to the challenge include the African Union's "Great Green Wall" initiative.

The SFP intend to scale up their model to have a greater impact. Looking beyond its work in Tunisia and Jordan, the group has embryonic plans for a 4000-hectare mega-facility that would employ 6,000 people and deliver 170,000 tons of produce each year.

Should such plans come to fruition, the Sahara could enter a new, green era.
(註一)Triple Bottom Line 三重底線—三重,是提到經濟底線、環境底線、和社會底線,意即是企業必須履行最基本的經濟責任、環境責任和社會責任感
(註二)Great Green Wall 綠色長城計劃
非洲綠色長城(英語:Great Green Wall)為沿著撒哈拉沙漠南緣的撒赫爾地區種植跨越非洲大陸的樹牆,是一項防止沙漠化的計畫。這項計畫由非洲聯盟主導,概念起自於綠色前線、中國的三北防護林等大型綠色工程計畫,以解決撒赫爾和撒哈拉地區在土地退化和沙漠化後所導致的社會、經濟、環境的不利影響。


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