In pictures: Attempted coup in Turkey 圖解:土耳其政變未遂

Some 2,800 soldiers, including high-ranking officers, are arrested after an attempted coup fails in Turkey, in a night that the country's PM Binali Yildirim calls a "black stain on Turkish democracy".

在土耳其政變失敗後,有28百位軍人被捕,其中包含高階軍官,當晚土耳其總理耶伊爾德勒姆(Binali Yildirim)稱之為「土耳其民主的黑色汙點」。
Turkish military block access to the Bosphorus bridge, which links the city's European and Asian sides, in Istanbul

On Friday night an army group said it had taken over the country, with soldiers deployed at strategic points in Istanbul, including the strategically important Bosphorus bridge.
Turkish army tanks move in the main streets
A statement read on Turkish TV said a "peace council" now ran the country and was imposing a curfew and martial law.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan speaks on CnnTurk via facetime call

However, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan told CNN Turk by mobile phone that the action was by a "parallel structure", which would bring the necessary response.

儘管如此,總統艾爾段(Recep Tayyip Erdogan)藉由手機,向CNN土耳其頻道(CNN Turk)表示,這項行動是由「平行組織」(parallel structure)發起,勢必會有所反擊。

Turkish soldiers guard at the Taksim Square in Istanbul
Mr Erdogan said he would overcome what he called an uprising by a minority and urged people to take to the streets to oppose it.
A man stands in front of a Turkish army tank at Ataturk airport in Istanbul

The Turkish president said: "I urge the Turkish people to convene at public squares and airports. I never believed in a power higher than the power of the people."


People take to the street in support of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
A number of Erdogan supporters later turned out on Istanbul's central Taksim Square, amid reports of clashes and gunfire.
許多艾爾段的支持者在稍晚趕去中央塔克西姆廣場(Taksim Square),而在報導中指出有衝突和槍火的發生。
People clash with the Turkish military at the entrance to the Bosphorus bridge

Gunfire and explosions were heard in Turkish cities, including explosions at a parliament building in Ankara.


Damage to Turkey's parliament building in Ankara
The building was damaged after it was attacked at least three times.
People occupy a tank in Istanbul

International leaders called for an end to violence, with the US saying the democratically elected government in Turkey should be respected.


People in Ankara taking cover from gunfire
People in the streets of Ankara took cover from gunfire, with images and videos posted on social media showing casualties lying in the streets.
People demonstrate outside Ataturk international airport

A large crowd of people demonstrated outside Ataturk international airport, in Istanbul.

有一大群民眾在伊斯坦堡阿塔圖克國際機場(Ataturk international airport)外示威抗議。

President Erdogan was cheered by supporters as he arrived at Ataturk airport
President Erdogan later arrived at the airport, where he gave a press conference and was cheered by supporters.
A plain clothes policeman holds a gun in Marmaris

Following a night of clashes in which 161 people died, many of them civilians, plain clothes policemen have been patrolling parts of Turkey.


People take fire as shots are fired in Ankara
Sporadic gunfire is still being reported in major cities, including in Ankara.
People gather on top of a Turkish military tank in Ankara

There have been reports of rebel soldiers in some areas surrendering their weapons to police loyal to Mr Erdogan. Turkey's PM Binali Yildirim said 2,839 soldiers had been arrested.

有報導指出叛軍向忠誠於總統艾爾段的警察,繳械投降。土耳其總理耶伊爾德勒姆(Binali Yildirim)表示有2839位軍人遭逮捕。

Crowds celebrate taking over a military position on the Bosphorus bridge
The Turkish foreign ministry said the coup attempt "was foiled by the Turkish people in unity and solidarity. Our president and government are in charge," a statement said.
Soldiers on Bosphorus bridge with their hands raised

Photos of soldiers involved in the coup attempt surrendering on Bosphorus Bridge in Istanbul with their hands raised have emerged.


A policeman protecting soldiers following their surrender on Bosphorus Bridge in Istanbul
Policemen protected soldiers from a crowd of people, following their surrender on the bridge, which spans the Bosphorus strait in Istanbul, connecting Europe and Asia.
A crowd of Turkish men with a picture of President Erdogan

President Erdogan found backing overseas also - a crowd of his supporters gathered outside the Turkish Consulate in Stuttgart, Germany.

Men pose with a military tank on Bosphorus Bridge

Following the attempted coup, people have been seen posing for photos with military vehicles in Istanbul.



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