Ad blockers strike back against Facebook Ad blockers給予Facebook反擊

It's Facebook versus the ad blockers, round two.
這是Facebook 對抗 ad blockers的第二回合。

Adblock Plus has released a new tool for people who really don't want to see adverts on Facebook, just as Facebook thought it had won back control of its feeds on desktops.
Adblock Plus為真的不想在Facebook看見廣告的人發佈了一項新工具,就如同Facebook認為他們贏回了桌面的控制權一樣。

Adblock is one of the most prominent pieces of open source software designed to keep your social media free of marketing spam. It's developed by Eyeo, based in Cologne, Germany.

The new software release comes only two days after Facebook (FB, Tech30) announced it would begin showing ads on desktop for people who currently use ad blocking software.
Facebook(FB, Tech30)宣布它將繼續顯示廣告,在現有使用廣告屏蔽軟體的人的桌面上,緊接著兩天後,這個新的軟體就發佈了。

Facebook is planning to fight back.

"Ad blockers are a blunt instrument, which is why we've instead focused on building tools like Ad Preferences to put control in people's hands," a spokesperson said in a statement emailed to CNNMoney on Friday.
發言人在星期五寄給CNNMoney的電子郵件聲明中表示:「Adblocker是一個遲鈍的工具,這就是為什麼我們改為專注在建立像是廣告偏好(Ad Preferences)這種工具來讓人們自己掌握控制權。」

Facebook admits that people want to avoid annoying adverts, but says it has worked hard on improving the way users control which ads they see.

"We've designed our ad formats, ad performance and controls to address the underlying reasons people have turned to ad blocking software," Andrew Bosworth, Facebook VP for ads.
Facebook的廣告副總裁Andrew Bosworth表示:「我們已經設計了我們的廣告型式、廣告績效和控制來處理人們轉為尋求廣告屏蔽軟體的根本原因。」

Adblock admits its battle with Facebook is a game of cat and mouse.

"It's very possible that Facebook will write some code that will render the filter useless...if that happens, the ad-blocking community will likely find another workaround, then Facebook might circumvent again, etc," Adblock's Ben Williams wrote in a blog.
AdblockBen Williams在部落格中寫道:「Facebook很有可能會撰寫讓廣告過濾器失效的程式碼….如果真的是如此,廣告屏蔽的社群可能就會尋找其他方法,接著Facebook又會再制定規避策略等等。」

Ad blockers have grown in popularity in the last year, prompting dire forecasts of digital publishers potentially losing billions in revenue by the end of the decade.
從去年開始Ad blocker越來越受歡迎,這引發一項可怕的預測,在十年間數位出版商很有可能會喪失數十億元的收益。

Publishers like Axel Springer, GQ and Forbes have pushed back by preventing some users from accessing their sites if they have ad blockers enabled.
出版商像是Axel SpringerGQForbes選擇撤退,避免讓一些有使用廣告屏蔽器的用戶進入他們的網站。

Privacy campaigners have criticized the moves by many online platforms to restrict ad blockers. Even the European Commission got involved, saying the practice might breach the so-called EU cookie directive, which requires online publishers to obtain consent from users before accessing information from their computers.

The regulator hasn't said whether it is thinking about investigating Facebook or any other online publisher.



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