In pictures: Solar Impulse 2's epic round-the-world voyage 圖說:陽光動力2號環球航行壯舉
Images from different stages of Solar Impulse 2's round-the-world voyage to promote renewable energy. 以下來自陽光動力 2 號環球航行不同階段的照片,其目的提倡再生能源。 Solar Impulse 2 has landed in Abu Dhabi, the United Arab Emirates, successfully completing the first solar-powered flight around the globe. 陽光動力 2 號降落於阿拉伯聯合大公國首都阿布達比,成功完成第一架太陽能飛機航行全球。 Andre Borschberg (left) and Bertrand Piccard, the Swiss founders of the project, took turns to pilot the aircraft during an epic 16-month voyage to promote renewable energy. 此計畫的瑞士創辦人,伯爾斯貝格 (Andre Borschberg)( 左邊 ) 和皮卡德 (Bertrand Piccard) ,在這長達 16 個月史詩級的航行,輪流掌舵此架飛機,展現再生能源。 "The future is clean. The future is you. The future is now. Let's take it further,'' Mr Piccard said. "I'm sure that within the next 10 years we'll see electric carrying 50 passengers on short- to medium-haul flights." 皮卡德表示:「未來是乾淨無害的,未來由你開始做起,未來從現在起,讓我們一起向前邁進,我很肯定接下來不到十年,電能可以乘載 50 名乘客進行短程及中程的飛行。 ...