Jo Cox MP death: Thomas Mair in court on murder charge 議員柯克斯身亡:湯馬斯梅爾在法庭上以謀殺罪被起訴
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Thomas Mair faced four charges when he appeared at Westminster Magistrates' Court 湯馬斯梅爾於西敏寺治安法庭被依四項罪名起訴。 |
man charged with the murder of Labour MP Jo Cox has appeared in court and been
remanded in custody.
被以殺害工黨議員柯克斯的罪名起訴的男人在出庭後遭還押候審。Thomas Mair gave his name as "Death to traitors, freedom for Britain" when he appeared at Westminster Magistrates' Court.
Mrs Cox, 41, was shot and stabbed in Birstall, West Yorkshire, on Thursday.
Members of her family visited the scene on Saturday to read floral tributes and thank gathered crowds for their support.
Speaking in the village's market square Kim Leadbeater, Mrs Cox's sister, described the MP as "perfect".
柯克斯女士的姐妹Kim Leadbeater在村莊的市集中發表言論,用「完美」來形容她這位議員。
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Labour MP Jo Cox died after the attack in her constituency in Birstall 工黨議員柯克斯在她的選區柏斯托鎮遭受襲擊而身亡 |
"I could not watch the overwhelming outpouring of love without speaking on behalf of Jo," she said.
"Jo would want us to focus on that which unites us not which divides us. She will live on through good people in the world."
Mrs Cox, who was married with two children, was about to attend a constituency surgery when she was killed.
A 77-year-old man, who came to her aid, was also injured and remains in a stable condition in hospital.
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Jo Cox's parents and sister said they were genuinely appreciative of the tributes paid to the MP 柯克斯的父母和姊妹表示他們真心很感謝大家對議員柯克斯的悼念 |
The defendant, who was wearing a grey tracksuit, refused to give his correct name and did not reply when asked to confirm his address and date of birth in court earlier.被告人身著灰色運動服、拒絕告知他的正確姓名,早前在法庭上確認他的地址和生日時也不給予回覆。
He did not enter a plea and is next due to appear for a bail application hearing at the Old Bailey on Monday.
他並沒有進行抗辯,他下次將於星期一出席在Old Bailey (中央刑事法院)的保釋聽證會。
His lawyer, Keith Allen, told the court legal aid had been applied for.
他的律師Keith Allen告訴法庭他們已經申請法律援助。
Daniel Sandford, Home Affairs correspondent - Westminster Magistrates' Court
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Thomas Mair was remanded in custody by magistrates 湯馬斯梅爾遭地方法官下令還押候審。 |
梅爾的第一場審判地點為倫敦最重要的治安法庭,並由副首席法官Emma Arbuthnot主審。
Reporters from the broadcasters and Sunday Newspapers and from overseas packed the press seats at the back.
As is almost always the case, the hearing was brief, but it had a key moment of drama - the moment the man in the dock was asked his name.
He stood, as asked, for what is normally one of the most mundane parts of the proceedings. Not this time.
"My name is death to traitors, freedom for Britain," he said.
Asked to repeat it, he said the same thing. Then he fell silent until he was taken from the dock and driven off to prison.
Vigils were held across the country on Friday evening in memory of Mrs Cox. Earlier in the day, David Cameron and Jeremy Corbyn visited Mrs Cox's Batley and Spen constituency.
The prime minister said the country was "rightly shocked" by her death, while the Labour leader described the former aid worker as "an exceptional, wonderful, very talented woman."
Parliament will be recalled on Monday to allow MPs to pay further tributes.
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David Cameron and Jeremy Corbyn laid flowers in tribute to Jo Cox in her constituency of Batley and Spen 首相卡梅倫和工黨黨魁科爾賓在柯克斯的巴特利和斯彭選區獻上花束來悼念她 |
The funds will support three causes her husband, Brendan Cox, said were close to her heart, including the The Royal Voluntary Service, HOPE not hate and The White Helmets.