Japan: Chinese ship sailing close to disputed islands 'heightens tensions' 日本:中國船隻駛近受爭議島嶼「提高緊張」

(CNN)-Tokyo has protested to Beijing after a Chinese frigate entered waters near a disputed island chain in the East China Sea, according to a Japanese Defense Ministry spokesman.


A Japanese Navy destroyer detected the Chinese ship as it entered the contiguous zone -- an area stretching 24 nautical miles out from the edge of territorial waters -- around the Senkaku, also known as Diaoyu, islands, at 12.50 a.m. local time Thursday (12.50 p.m. ET Wednesday), Yoshitomo Morii told CNN. This was the first time a Chinese frigate has entered the contiguous zone, he added.

Yoshitomo MoriCNN表示,日本海軍自衛隊偵查到中國的船隻於當地時間星期四,凌晨1250(美國時間星期三中午1250),駛入鄰接區,為領海邊界向外延伸24海里處,尖閣群島(也就是我們稱的釣魚台)附近。他還補充,這是中國軍艦首次駛入鄰接區。

"We're deeply concerned that Chinese naval ships entered the waters contiguous to our Senkaku islands for the first time," Japan's Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga told reporters Thursday. "We, in coordination with the United States and the international community, strongly demand China not repeat such behaviors that unilaterally heighten tensions."

日本首相內閣秘書菅義偉(Yoshihide Suga)星期四向記者說:「我們對於中國軍艦首次駛入海域鄰接區,我們的尖閣群島,深表關切。我們和美國及國際社會合作,強烈的要求中國,不要再做如此單方面提高緊張的行為。」

According to Japanese officials, Foreign Minister Vice Minister Akitaka Saeki summoned China's ambassador, Chen Yonghua, to lodge a protest "with serious concern," and demand that the Chinese military ship leave the area immediately.

根據日本官方,外務省事務次官齋木昭隆(Akitaka Saeki)召見中國駐日大使程永華(Chen Yonghua),表示嚴重關切且提出抗議,要求中國軍艦立即駛離。

Morii said the Chinese ship left the area at 3:05 a.m., after repeated calls for it to do so by the Japanese vessel.

Russian military ships were also detected in the contiguous zone between 9:50 p.m. Wednesday and 3:05 a.m. Thursday local time, but further details were not immediately available, Morii said.



According to Japanese state broadcaster NHK, citing senior Japanese officials, the Chinese ship may have been reacting to the Russian vessel's movement.


Long-running tensions
Both China and Japan claim ownership of the Senkaku chain, and tensions have flared numerous times in recent years.

In late 2013, China declared an air defense identification zone (ADIZ) over much of the East China Sea, including the Senkakus, despite objections from Tokyo and Washington.


Japan also has an ADIZ over the islands, which it administers. While the Senkakus are uninhabited, their ownership would allow for exclusive oil, mineral and fishing rights in the surrounding waters.


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In mid-2014, Japanese and Chinese jets had a tense standoff in a region where both zones overlap, with Japan's Defense Minister saying the planes at one point came within 30 feet of each other.



Tension over the island dispute has in the past spilled over into protests and violence against Japanese-owned businesses in China.

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