
目前顯示的是 11月, 2016的文章

South Korean President: I'll resign if that's what parliament wants 南韓總統:「會依照國會決議辭職下台」

South Korea's embattled President has put her fate in the hands of the country's parliament. 目前深陷困境的南韓總統將自己的命運交給韓國國會。 President Park Geun-hye said Tuesday she will allow the National Assembly to decide the duration of her remaining term in office, and will resign if that is what they decide. 總統朴槿惠表示星期二她將會讓國會決定其剩下的任期,若國會決定要她下台她也會照做。 "I will relegate the decision to the National Assembly, including the shortening of my presidential term and resignation," she said. 「我將縮短總統任期以及辭退等相關事物移交給國會裁決。」她說。 "If the National Assembly sets a path for the stable transition of power, I will resign from the presidency and lessen the confusion as much as possible. I hope that the nation will find stability." 「若國會將權力轉移的後路鋪好,我將會辭去總統職務並且儘全力減少這期間會造成的混亂,我希望國將能夠找回穩定。」 She made the statement in a televised address to the nation, after several weeks of protests by hundreds of thousands of people calling for her resignation. 在連續數周數十萬名民眾抗議要求她下台之後,她在全國面前進行了電視...

Black Friday's dirty secrets: How to shop through the clutter 黑色星期五的秘密:如何在混亂中購物

There's no shortage of tech deals to choose from this holiday season. The hard part is figuring out what to buy. 在這個節慶裡,絕對少不了採買科技產品的選項,最困難的部分在於釐清要買什麼。 Just looking at the specs -- 4K UHD TVs, 1080p displays, quad-core processors -- is enough to give you a holiday hangover. 僅看規格 —4K UHD 電視、解析度 1080p 、四核心處理器 — 這足以讓你的這個假日暈頭轉向。 Considering the sheer number of items on sale starting this week -- Walmart alone has 11 TV deals -- you'll want to be an informed shopper. 想想看這週開始特賣的總項目數 — 僅是沃爾瑪就有 11 種電視特價 — 你會希望你是個 情報充足的購 物者。 According to the Consumer Electronics Association, TVs and laptops top the list of what shoppers will look for this holiday season, followed by smartphones, video games, tablets and headphones. 根據美國消費電子產品協會,在這個節慶裡,電視與筆電為消費者清單裡最想買的物品,接續為智慧手機、電動遊戲、平板與耳機。 To make it easier, we've rounded up what you should keep in mind -- and other tips, like where to buy the cheapest   Apple   ( AAPL ,   Tech30 )   products -- before reaching for your wa...