
目前顯示的是 8月, 2016的文章

After escaping war, what awaits Syrian children in Europe? 在逃離戰爭之後,在歐洲等著敘利亞孩子們的是什麼?

The haunting image of five-year-old Omran Daqneesh, shocked and bloodied in the back of an ambulance after being pulled from the rubble of his home, graphically captures the horrific situation facing Syria's children -- and makes it easy to understand why parents would take their children on the desperate, arduous journey to Europe. 這張讓人難以忘懷的照片清清楚楚地捕捉到現在敘利牙孩子們正在面臨的可怕現況,流著血的五歲男童 Omran Daqneesh 滿臉充滿驚恐的樣子坐在救護車的後頭,他才剛從自己家的瓦礫堆中被救出來,這張照片也同時讓我們能夠了解為什麼爸爸媽媽們要帶著他們孩子踏上絕望、艱辛的歐洲之路。 But if a child like Omran were to survive the trip and reach Europe's shores, their ordeal would be far from over. 但 如果像是 Omran 這樣的孩子真的從旅途中存活了下來並抵達歐洲的海岸,他們的考驗才剛剛開始。 On a visit to the Greek island of Lesvos, I saw first-hand what awaits them. 在造訪希臘列斯伏斯島時,我 看到了最前線等著他們的考驗。 The scars of war 戰爭帶來的傷痕 In a detention center on Lesvos I met Ahmed, a one-year-old baby who has been sick for almost all of his short life from what his mother described as a chemical attack. 在列斯伏斯島的拘留中心我遇見了 Ahmed ,他是一個一...

5 ways tech is helping Italian earthquake rescue efforts 科技幫助義大利地震救災的5種救援行動

Tech companies are offering their services to help the rescue efforts in Italy after a devastating earthquake. 科技公司提供他們的服務來幫助義大利在發生破壞性強震後的救災行動。 At least 241 people died after a 6.2-magnitude earthquake struck central Italy on Wednesday. The search for survivors is a race against the time. Here is how technology is being used to help the process: 星期三發生在義大利中心的規模 6.2 級強震至少造成 241 人死亡,尋找生還者就像是在跟時間賽跑,以下是科技如何被運用來協助搜救的過程。 Internet access 解鎖網路 The Italian Red Cross has asked people to disable their WiFi passwords so it can access local networks to coordinate rescue efforts. 義大利紅十字會呼籲大家解除 WiFi 密碼,讓他們能透過當地的網路進行搜救的溝通聯繫。 The organization posted a step-by-step guide for businesses and individuals on how to make their Internet connection accessible to anyone. 他們張貼出步驟指南來向企業和個人說明如何把網路連線開放給大家。 Airbnb Airbnb has canceled all service charges for those affected by the disaster, allowing hosts to offer free accommodation for victims until September 11, 2016. Airbnb 對地震受災戶不收取任何...

Photo albums: then and now 相簿:過去和現在

«Children now love luxury; they have bad manner s, contem pt for authority, and show disrespect for elders. They contradict their parents, gobble up dessert at the table, and tyrannize their teachers ,» said Socrates in the 5th century BC. The ’generation dispute’ will never end, but y ear by year mankind gets better. Each era has its own features. 在西元前五世紀,蘇格拉底說:「孩子們現在都喜歡奢侈品,他們不懂禮貌、藐視權威且不尊重長者,他們還會頂撞父母、吃一堆零食且忤逆他們的老師。」這個 「受爭議的世代」 不會有結束的一天,但人類一年比一年更進步,每個時代都有自己的特色。 Bright Side decided to do an experiment by comparing typical photos from our parent’s albums and their modern equivalents. Let’s take a look at the specific features of our generation. Bright Side 決定嘗試將我們父母過去相簿中的經典照片和現代社會中的照片做比較,一起來看看我們這個世代有哪些特徵。 On vacation 度假 A long-awaited meeting 期待已久的聚會 Best friends 摯友 Portraits 人像 Dining 用餐 Working out 運動 At school 在學校裡 Partying 派對 Dancing 跳舞 Weddings 婚禮 原文網址:...