
目前顯示的是 6月, 2016的文章

What it's like to eat in London's naked restaurant 倫敦的裸體餐廳究竟是什麼樣子呢?

(CNN)- I'm in a candlelit London restaurant, sitting opposite a total stranger on a workday afternoon, and we're both completely naked. And weirdly, it's OK. Mostly OK. The restaurant is Bunyadi, a newly opened eatery in a quiet corner of central London that encourages customers to disrobe while enjoying a "natural" dining experience. (CNN) - 在平日午後,我在倫敦的一間燭光餐廳裡,對面坐著完全不認識的陌生人,而我們完全都沒穿衣服。 而怪異的是,是合理的。 大部分是合理的。 這間餐廳名為「 Bunyadi 」 ( 印度文的「自然、原始」之意 ) ,是倫敦市中心偏僻的角落新開的餐館,鼓勵顧客們脫光光享用一場原始的用餐體驗。 Bunyadi has made headlines in recent weeks by attracting 46,000 people to its waiting list for a three-month pop-up run over the summer. I was there for the press launch, alongside 25 or so other journalists dispatched to report from the front line of naked dining. So what's it like? 「 Bunyadi 」只短暫營運夏天三個月,其等候名單就吸引了 4 萬 6 千人,在最近幾個禮拜,登上新聞頭版。 因為記者會,我跟約 25 位派遣新聞記者到那,第一線報導裸體用餐。 所以究竟是什麼樣子呢? From outside, the restaurant isn't much to look a...

Brexit: Do you #Regrexit? UK voters voice doubt over referendum choice 脫歐(Brexit):你後悔脫歐嗎?英國選民的聲音讓公投結果仍然保有疑慮

From Brexit to #Regrexit -- an online petition demanding a second referendum on Britain's decision to leave the EU has passed 3 million signatures. 從支持脫歐到後悔脫歐 -- 要求英國決定要離開歐盟的二次公投的線上請願書已經超過三百萬人簽署。 By Sunday morning, 3,048,000 people had signed the petition on the official UK Parliament website.  That number takes it well over the 100,000-signature threshold needed to force a debate on the issue by members of Parliament. A rush to sign the petition caused the website to crash temporarily due to the high volume of traffic Saturday. 直至週日早上,已經有 3,048,000 人在官方英國議會網站上簽名請願,這個數字遠超過請願門檻 10 萬人,讓英國議會委員必須針對此議題進行討論。 The petition, set up by William Oliver Healey, states: "We the undersigned call upon [the UK] Government to implement a rule that if the Remain or Leave vote is less than 60%, based on a turnout less than 75%, there should be another referendum." 此請願的發起人 William Oliver Healey 表示:「我們簽署要求英國政府實施新的規定:若留歐或脫歐的票數少於 60 %,且總投票數地魚 75 %,那就應該重新進行公投。」 Thursd...

Microsoft is testing a new mosquito trap to fight Zika 微軟正在測試新的捕蚊器對抗茲卡病毒

On the Gulf Coast of Texas, a new player is working to fight mosquitoes carrying Zika and other diseases. It's not a usual suspect from the world of health care, but Microsoft, a company best known for computer software and video games. 在德州墨西哥灣沿岸,有一個新的工具被拿來對抗帶原茲卡病毒或其他疾病的蚊子。參與醫療衛生並不是常態的涉略範圍,但微軟這一家有名的電腦軟體及電玩遊戲公司卻參與了。 Harris County, Texas, is testing the new trap, which health officials believe will improve their ability to fight infectious diseases. The traps, which will be operational by early July, are expected to speed the process of identifying mosquito-borne illnesses and provide more data about when the diseases arrived. 德州哈里斯郡正在測試新捕蚊器,衛生官方組織相信這些捕蚊器可以改善他們對於對抗傳染性疾病的能力,這些機器將會在七月初上路,並預期可以加快鑑定蚊子傳播疾病的過程,並且針對疾病是疫情開始時間提供更多的資料。 "It's going to advance the field of mosquito control in a way that has not been done in this country," said Umair Shah, the executive director of Harris County public health. "If this does what we think it should be able to do, ...

25 Fascinating Facts About New York City And Why It Is Called The Big Apple 25個關於紐約的奇聞逸事還有為什麼紐約叫做大蘋果。

1. Although for a long time many people considered the origin of the term Big Apple to be a mystery, researchers at Missouri University of Science and Technology managed to determine the probably etymology. 1. 雖然已經有很長一段時間許多人們都認為「大蘋果」這個詞的起源是一個謎,但密蘇里科技大學的學者想方設法的訂出了其最有可能的詞源。   "Apple" referred to many of the big horse racing courses around NYC (possibly due to the fact that horses liked apples). Smaller tracks were often called "bull rings". The term was popularized for the first time by John J. Fitz Gerald in The New York Morning Telegraph when he mentioned going to the "Big Apple" as in going to the "big time" 「蘋果」指的是紐約許多大型馬的賽跑路線(可能是因為馬喜歡蘋果的緣故),小的賽道常常被叫做「鬥牛場」,這個詞最初會流行起來是因為約翰 . 費茲 . 葛瑞德( John J. Fitz Gerald )在《紐約晨遞報》( The New York Morning Telegraph )形容去「大蘋果」就是往「一流、成功」邁進的意思。 2. With over 800 languages spoken by a significant portion of the population, New York City is the most linguistically diverse city in the world. 紐約市內有超國 800 種語...