What it's like to eat in London's naked restaurant 倫敦的裸體餐廳究竟是什麼樣子呢?
(CNN)- I'm in a candlelit London restaurant, sitting opposite a total stranger on a workday afternoon, and we're both completely naked. And weirdly, it's OK. Mostly OK. The restaurant is Bunyadi, a newly opened eatery in a quiet corner of central London that encourages customers to disrobe while enjoying a "natural" dining experience. (CNN) - 在平日午後,我在倫敦的一間燭光餐廳裡,對面坐著完全不認識的陌生人,而我們完全都沒穿衣服。 而怪異的是,是合理的。 大部分是合理的。 這間餐廳名為「 Bunyadi 」 ( 印度文的「自然、原始」之意 ) ,是倫敦市中心偏僻的角落新開的餐館,鼓勵顧客們脫光光享用一場原始的用餐體驗。 Bunyadi has made headlines in recent weeks by attracting 46,000 people to its waiting list for a three-month pop-up run over the summer. I was there for the press launch, alongside 25 or so other journalists dispatched to report from the front line of naked dining. So what's it like? 「 Bunyadi 」只短暫營運夏天三個月,其等候名單就吸引了 4 萬 6 千人,在最近幾個禮拜,登上新聞頭版。 因為記者會,我跟約 25 位派遣新聞記者到那,第一線報導裸體用餐。 所以究竟是什麼樣子呢? From outside, the restaurant isn't much to look a...