Insider Guide: Best of Prague 布拉格指南(購物/景點/酒吧)

Shopping 購物


The preeminent name in Czech glass and crystal, the Moser brand has been manufacturing custom wares since 1893.
Past fans include Emperor Franz Josef I and King Edward VII, and, while based in the spa town of Karlovy Vary, Moser has a showroom and shop on Prague's Na Prikope shopping street.
Available in a wide selection of styles and colors, Moser's crystal and glass drinking sets, vases and accessories are all hand-cut and use only ecologically friendly, lead-free crystal.

With several shops dotting the capital, Manufaktura sells handcrafted wooden toys, marionettes and games, as well as handmade, organic soaps and cosmetic products, country-style earthenware furnishings and printed textiles, like folk-art table linens, as well as woolen blankets and decorations.

Czech Fashion Center

Spread throughout a network mostly spanning off Old Town Square, these eight boutiques representing prominent Czech fashion designers offer a glimpse into the rapid rise of the latest catwalk looks to come out of the country.


For prized antiques from across Europe and the world, the Dorotheum, based in Vienna, is the leading name in local auction houses, with more than 300 years under its belt.
In addition to regular Prague auctions, in which visitors can participate, the central showroom also serves as a shop where priced items -- jewelry, paintings, statues, glassware, watches, tableware -- can be viewed and purchased.

Attractions 景點


It's worth the trek to Holešovice, a dynamic former industrial district, to the DOX Center for Contempoary Art, which at any given time has multiple exhibits of local and international artists.
DOX, housed in an expansive revitalized factory, has pioneered the local art scene, challenging the status quo in acquiring big names and experimental projects.

Estates Theatre艾斯特劇院

The Estates Theater showcases drama productions, ballet and opera, with a seasonal emphasis on the works of Mozart.
If it was good enough for Mozart, who premiered his Don Giovanni here in 1787, it's good enough for a gander.
It's worth a visit just to marvel at the grand Classicist facade, but stepping inside (connected to the National Theater, it's been home to a program of performing arts since 1785) reveals the tiered grandeur of an immaculately maintained historical theater.

Petřín Hill 佩特任山

Looking across to the Lesser Town, this expanse of green, topped by Prague's own mini-Eiffel Tower, is a swath of walking paths affording views over the cityscape.
Take the funicular up from Ujezd to avoid the climb, and wander the Mirror Maze and Rose Gardens at the top, or walk across to Kinsky Gardens, past the infamous Hunger Wall.
Ujezd搭乘纜車就不用用爬的,可以漫遊於山頂上的景點Mirror MazeRose Gardens,或是穿過Kinsky Gardens、經過惡名昭彰的飢餓牆。

Jewish Quarter
There's much left to explore in this historic district wedged in Old Town, despite its being mostly razed at the turn of the 20th century.
The quarter, known as Josefov, houses the Old Jewish Cemetery, the Old-New Synagogue (dating to 1270), the Spanish Synagogue and other sights, incorporated through the Jewish Museum. The Pinkas Synagogue features a list of every local Jew -- 80,000 -- rounded up in the Holocaust.


This fortress, gardens and church are often overlooked.
The fortress dates to the 1720s, and its sprawling, shady gardens are home to the oldest surviving building in Prague, the Rotunda of St. Martin, as well as the soaring Basilica of Sts. Peter and Paul, which sits next to the poetic Vyšehrad Cemetery, where many famous Czech personages -- such as Alphonse Mucha, Antonin Dvořák, Bedřich Smetana, Karel Čapek and Ema Destinnová -- rest to this day.
這座堡壘要追朔到1720年代,它不規則延伸、綠草成蔭的花園都是布拉格保存下來最古老的建築,聖馬丁教堂圓形大廳(Rotunda of St. Martin)和高聳的聖伯多祿聖保祿聖殿主教座堂座(Basilica of Sts. Peter and Paul)落於充滿詩意的高堡國家文化紀念碑(Vyšehrad Cemetery)旁,那裡有很多有名的捷克大人物——像是畫家阿爾豐斯·慕夏(Alphonse Mucha)、作曲家安東寧·德弗札克(Antonin Dvořák)、作曲家貝多伊齊·史麥塔納(Bedřich Smetana)、作家卡雷爾恰佩克 (Karel Čapek)和女高音Ema Destinnová都長眠於此。

Náplavka 濱河路

Over the past couple of years, this has become the place to be come a summer's day -- or eve.
The embankment that runs along Rašínovo nábřeží in New Town is home to farmers and flea markets on weekends and a series of floating restaurants, pop-up bars and cafes come any afternoon.
這個在新城景點Rašínovo nábřeží岔開的河岸,為農夫和一些跳蚤市場週末的集散地,還有一些河面上的餐廳、臨時酒吧、咖啡館會在任何一個下午出現。
From the cobbled embankment, you might listen to Balkan brass or other live tunes as the sun sets over Prague Castle, or board the Forman Brothers' Mystery Boat Theater, a tugboat docked here that shows plays staged by the twin sons of director Miloš Forman.
從鵝卵石的河岸,你可能可以在日落於布拉格城堡時,聽到Balkan brass或是其他現場音樂表演,或是登上福爾曼兄弟(Forman Brother)的神秘船上戲院(Mystery Boat Theater)一艘拖船停靠在這,由導演米洛斯·福曼(Miloš Forman)的雙胞胎兒子所演出的舞台劇表演。
On Rašínovo nábřeží, in Prague 2. Accessible by ramp from Mánes, or by stairs along the embankment.

在布拉格伏爾塔瓦河濱河路(Rašínovo nábřeží)上,可以從曼內斯飯店(Mánes)附近的斜坡進去,或是沿著河岸走階梯進去。

Most venues open midday until late.

Historic Pubs 歷史上著名的酒

U Cerneho vola  - The Black Ox pub

You didn't think we'd forgotten the beer, did you?
Beer 1, Communists 0.
As time-worn as the cobblestones leading up to nearby Prague Castle, The Black Ox, as it's called, has been gruffly pouring pints of liquid gold since roughly the early 1800s -- save for a closure by the communists in the mid-20th century before being reopened in 1965.
陳舊的鵝卵石連接通往附近的的布拉格城堡,Black Ox如同他的名字,自從大概1800年代開始,大量的液態黃金(指酒)豪邁地傾瀉而下,在20世紀中期,因為共產黨將它關閉才將那些酒保留了下來,直到1965年才再度開放。
Former Czechoslovak President Tomas Garrigue Masaryk and dissident playwright-turned president Václav Havel are among its many past patrons, and little about the place has changed for what feels like centuries; smoke-stained walls and dimmed stained-glass windows color the room of long wooden tables crammed with stamgasti, or regulars, who eye new visitors as competition for their next pint of Kozel lager.
前捷克斯洛伐克總統Tomas Garrigue Masaryk和意見不同劇作家出身的總統Václav Havel都曾是這裡許多的老客戶之一,還有一些地方與幾世紀以前的感覺不太一樣。有煙薰污漬的牆壁、暗淡的污漬玻璃為長木桌的室內增添了色彩,室內還有stamgasti(捷克文的常客)或老顧客,他們視新訪客為他們下一品脫Kozel拉格啤酒的競爭對手。

U zlatého tygra

Few places have such a palpable feel of history as the Golden Tiger, where conversations throughout the ages have gone on to change the world beyond the pub's stained-glass windows -- or have just gone on to another pub.
The beloved Czech writer Bohumil Hrabal made this his home away from home. Václav Havel frequented here, accompanied on occasion by Bill Clinton.
受人景仰的捷克作者博胡米爾·赫拉巴爾(Bohumil Hrabal)把這裡當做自己的家,作家瓦茨拉夫·哈維爾(Václav Havel)也常常出現在這,不時身邊還會有有威廉·柯林頓(Bill Clinton)相伴。
Getting here when it opens at 3 p.m. is your best bet at scoring a storied seat for a solid pint of tanked Pilsner Urquell; although, if history has its say, you probably won't hold onto it long.
在下午三點開始營業的時候到這裡是最有機會品嚐到一杯滿滿的釀造時間長久的皮爾森歐克啤酒(Pilsner Urquell,不過,隨著歷史在酒中發酵,你可能沒有辦法保持清醒太久。(以我的理解啦哈哈哈)

U Medvídků 小熊啤酒餐廳

Dating to 1466, U Medvídků (or "At the Little Bears") is one of Prague's oldest microbreweries, and its maze of vaulted beer halls, unique brews -- including the incredibly strong X33 (with 12.6% alcohol content) -- and vast platters of Czech fare bear testament to its status as a favorite among locals and visitors alike.
追朔至1466年,U Medvídků(或是「At the Little Bears」)是布拉格最古老的釀酒廠之一,有宛如迷宮般圓頂的啤酒館,獨一無二的釀造——包括超級烈的X33啤酒(內含12.6%的酒精成分)——還有一大盤捷克當地菜餚,這些元素讓U Medvídků成為當地人和遊客的愛店。
The main pub rooms are upstairs, while the brewery is in the cellar, located past the garden in a passage at the back.

U Fleků

Despite being somewhat of a tourist trap catering to large, boisterious groups of stags, this microbrewery has enough space in its many cavernous rooms and gardens to allow you to sit back and enjoy the house's only brew: a delicious, malty dark lager available by the 0.4-liter glass.
And there's something to be said for the live accordian music and 500-plus consecutive years of brewing that cuts past the kitsch right into timeless cool.



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