This is what people eat in the world’s biggest companies 世上最大的公司都讓員工吃些甚麼呢?

Cafeterias and dining areas in modern offices can compete with the world’s best restaurants. There’s only one difference: they’re free — only for the staff, of course. These successful companies realized a long time ago that the way to a worker’s efficiency is through their stomachs.
Bright Side offers you a chance to take a look at how workers dine in the world’s biggest offices, including our own decision desk.
Bright Side帶你來一窺在世上最大的辦公室中員工是如何用餐的,也包括我們公司的。
The Google headquarters is located in New York. Employees of the company are provided with three free meals a day in the Hemispheres, with beautiful views to Manhattan. The cafe has several zones, where you can find a variety of cuisines, fast food, snacks, frozen yogurt and drinks. One of the most popular reviews of this cafe on the Internet says: ’If you want to get disappointed in your job, just take a friend from Google and go in their cafeteria. That’s unbelievable.’

Apple’s headquarters is located in Cupertino, California. Their dining area, which is called Caffè Macs, is very spacious, light and totally free. Caffè Macs serves Mexican, Italian, Japanese, Spanish and French cuisine at lunch, as well as fast food. At breakfast the staff usually has strawberry French toast, chocolate chip pancakes, fresh-made juices, several kinds of ice cream, and other desserts. The menu is constantly changing.
Apple的總部位在加州的庫比蒂諾,他們的員工餐廳叫做Caffè Macs,很寬敞、明亮且完全免費,Caffè Macs在中午提供墨西哥、義大利、日本、西班牙和法國料理,也還有速食,而早餐,員工常常會吃草莓法式吐司、巧克力碎片煎餅、現榨果汁、各種口味的冰淇淋和其他甜點,菜單一直不斷地改變。

Recently the Facebook head office moved to a small town called Menlo Park, California. The office staff get free meals three times per day in Epic Cafe. This cafe serves mainly American and Asian cuisine, and you can take away free meals, too, if you work at the company. There’s also a pleasant bonus for office guests: they get a great discount!
最近Facebook的總部移到加州的一個名叫加州孟羅公園小鎮,公司的員工一天可以在Epic Cafe中吃免費的三餐,這個餐廳主要是提供美式和亞洲式的菜餚,如果你在這個公司上班,你也能帶走這些免費的食物,對於來到公司的客人也有個令人開心的意外收穫,就是他們能得到很棒的折扣!

The Dropbox head office is located in San Francisco, California, and its cafeteria is called the Tuck Shop. The cafe occupies about 400 meters, and there’s almost unlimited choice of any meal. The company especially appreciates its chefs, who used to work in the best restaurants around the world.
Dropbox的總部位在加州舊金山,他的員工餐廳叫做Tuck Shop,餐廳佔據了約400公尺,而且幾乎沒有任何餐點的限制,公司特別重視它的廚師們,他們之前都是在世界各地最棒的餐廳裡工作。

Pixar’s Cafè Luxo (California, USA) greets its visitors with statues of Pixar characters like Buzz Lightyear and Woody. Then, when the visitors enter the room, it looks quite similar to the Musée d’Orsay in Paris, which was Steve Jobs’ wish when he was the head of the company. The Cafè Luxo menu offers a variety of dishes, such as salmon in maple syrup, pasta with tofu, hamburgers, fried ravioli, steaks, burritos, pizza, and all possible kinds of desserts.
Pixar的員工餐廳Cafè Luxo(美國加州)用皮克斯的卡通人物雕像來迎接客人,像是巴斯光年和胡迪,接著當客人進入房內,這裡看起來有點像巴黎的奧塞美術館,這是史提夫賈伯斯還是公司執行長時的願望,Cafè Luxo的菜單提供各式各樣的餐點,像是楓糖鮭魚、豆腐義大利麵、漢堡、義式餛飩、牛排、墨西哥玉米捲餅、披薩和各種可能的點心。

The headquarters of the popular microblogging service moved to a new place; now it’s located in a building constructed in 1937 on the Market Square, in the heart of sunny San Francisco. There’s a free cafe for the staff, where the menu is divided into different types of dishes that are marked with hashtags and names such as #comfort food, #tenderloin, and @birdfeeder.
人氣微網誌服務的總部搬到了新的地方,現在它位於一棟1937年建造的建築中,是在晴朗的舊金山中心的購物中心Market Square樓上,那裡有免費的員工餐廳讓員工享用,菜單分成了不同的類型的餐點,並加上標籤和名字像是#療癒食物、#里脊肉和@鳥喂食器。

Bright Side
As a bonus, we decided to show the place where the Bright Side team dines. We’re all of different cultures, and it affects the variety of our cuisine. So here it is — the place where we relax and gain strength in order to work hard and make the world a little bit better.
當作額外的獎勵,我們決定展示Bright Side團隊用餐的地方給大家看,我們都是來自不同的文化,而這影響到我們各式各樣的飲食,所以這裡就是我們放鬆和增加力量的地方,好讓我們認真工作和讓世界變得更美好一點。



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