Prince death: Get up to speed on the latest developments 王子之死:了解最新情況發展

(CNN)Days after Prince's death, memorials for the music legend are still going strong.
Mourners from the singer's inner circle and fans from far and wide are remembering him four days after the 57-year-old musician was found dead inside an elevator at his Paisley Park Studios. His death Thursday came about a week after his private plane made an emergency landing in Illinois. More details about that incident were obtained by CNN on Monday.

 911 call for landing 呼叫911請求降落

Hours after what turned out to be his final concert, Prince was returning home from Atlanta on his private plane when the pilot made an emergency landing in Illinois at the Quad City International Airport early on April 15.
Communications released Monday by the FAA said the emergency stop was due to an "unresponsive" male passenger aboard, according to communication released Monday to CNN from the Federal Aviation Administration.
The singer was reportedly rushed to a hospital in Moline. His publicist, Yvette Noel-Schure, later said he had since returned home and was fine.
據傳歌手匆忙被送到莫林的一家醫院,負責的公關人員Yvette Noel-Schure稍晚表示,自從他回家以後,一切都很好。

Remains cremated 遺體火葬

Noel-Schure announced Saturday that his remains had been cremated. A small group of Prince's "most beloved" said goodbye "in a private, beautiful ceremony."
"An announcement will be made at a future date for a musical celebration," she said.

 Autopsy results pending 驗屍結果未定

What caused the pop superstar's death? It could be weeks before we know, according to his publicist and authorities. "The cause of death remains unknown," Noel-Schure said, "and it will be at least four weeks before we receive the results of the autopsy."

 Purple boxes紫色盒子

Fans brought flowers, balloons and signs to leave in front of the Paisley Park complex over the weekend. And some of them left with mementos of their own. Some of Prince's family and friends gave out at least 15 round purple boxes containing Prince memorabilia like CDs, T-shirts and books to fans gathered there Saturday.
在週末,粉絲們帶了花、氣球及加油板,放在Paisley Park綜合大樓前面,有些人也留了一些他們自己的紀念物,王子的家人及朋友送出至少15個圓形紫色盒子,放了跟王子有關值得紀念的物品,如CDT-恤、書本給星期六聚集在那裡的粉絲們。

Minneapolis mourns明尼阿波里斯市的默哀

Thousands made pilgrimages to downtown Minneapolis, standing outside the First Avenue & 7th St. Entry club with boom boxes blasting his songs and placing purple flowers in front of the wall where his name is emblazoned.
They remembered him as not only a pioneer of a distinct synth-pop and funk style known as "Minneapolis sound" but as heir to a diverse musical family of great artists like Joni Mitchell and Sly and the Family Stone.
他們紀念,不只是因為他是合成流行樂(synth-pop)及放克樂(Funk)的先驅,以「明尼阿波羅斯之聲(Minneapolis sound)」聞名,他也是一個許多偉大藝術家(如瓊尼·米歇爾史萊和史東家族合唱團、)多樣化音樂家庭的繼承者。


Dr. Prince? 王子博士?

Officials at the University of Minnesota are weighing whether to award Prince an honorary doctorate -- something they were considering before the musician's death. The university's president told CNN Sunday that the nomination will likely be approved by an honors committee and then go to the university's board of regents and president in June for the final say.

Back on the big screen 回到大螢幕上

Prince's cult classic "Purple Rain" returned to movie theaters over the weekend for a limited run. Tickets sold out in hours for the limited release, and fans sang and danced along with the film as they remembered the pop icon. During its first stint on the big screen in 1984, the movie made nearly $70 million and garnered Prince an Oscar win for Best Original Song.

 A chorus of praise同聲讚揚

Since the pop star's death Thursday, the chorus of praise from fans, friends and protegees of the late musician hasn't stopped. Over the weekend, gospel legend Bebe Winans, James Brown's daughters and Minnesota Lynx player Renee Montgomery, and KISS bassist Gene Simmonswere the latest to share their memories with CNN.
自從這位流行巨星在星期四過世,從這位已故音樂人的粉絲、朋友到女信徒對他異口同聲地讚美沒有停過,在週末,福音傳奇Bebe Winans、詹姆士·布朗的女兒、明尼蘇達州Lynx球員芮妮·蒙哥馬利及Kiss樂團貝斯手吉恩·西蒙斯,是最新一批對CNN分享他們的回憶的人。

Behind the music 音樂背後

Prince worked hard to maintain his privacy, no small feat in the age of celebrity gossip and the Internet. "Having crafted a musical empire, taken on his industry to fight for the rights of artists and survived with a career artists half his age would have envied, Prince was careful and built his inner circle almost as meticulously as he did his compositions," CNN's Lisa France reports.
王子努力維持他自己的隱私,在這個充斥著名人八卦及網路的時代,這可不簡單,「創造了一個音樂帝國,並以他的事業為藝術家的權利並以藝人為職業,佔據了他的半輩子,這非常讓人羨慕,王子小心建造他的圈內人際,就如同他的作曲一樣一絲不苟。」根據CNN記者Lisa France 報導。

 Media reflect 媒體的反映

One issue that many media outlets struggled with while covering Prince's death: TMZ was the first to report it. That meant most news organizations held off at first, afraid to follow the gossip site's lead. Is that approach outdated now? CNN's Brian Stelter discussed that question with guests Sunday on "Reliable Sources."

有一個議題許多媒體銷路都很掙扎,當王子過世的消息遍佈時,時代雜誌是第一個報導的,這也代表許多新聞組織一開始都在拖延,深怕會被八卦網站牽著鼻子走。這個方法現在過時了嗎?CNNBrian Stelter與星期天的讀者們在專欄可靠訊息來源(Reliable Sources上討論。



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