Microsoft's biggest problem, in a single chart 一張的圖表看出微軟面臨的最大問題

The 10 most-used apps of the year in the U.S. were all made by three companies -- Facebook, Google, and Apple.

Notably absent is Microsoft, one of the largest software makers in the world by revenue.

In 2015, Facebook (FBTech30) apps took three of the top 10 spots, including the No. 1 position,according to a new Nielsen report.

The main Facebook app had the highest average number of monthly users for the second year in a row.

Facebook Messenger was the third most-used app, up from seventh place last year. And Instagram came in at No. 8 on the list, moving up one place on the rankings.

Google (GOOGLTech30) had five of the top 10 apps: YouTube (No. 2), Google Search (4), Google Play (5), Google Maps (6), and Gmail (7).
Apple (AAPLTech30) rounded out the bottom of the rankings with two apps: Apple Music and Maps.
在前十名的應用程式當中谷歌所製作的應用程式占了五名:YouTube(第二名)Google搜尋引擎(第四名)Google Play(第五名)Google地圖(第六名)Gmail(第七名)。蘋果公司則是有兩個應用程式排在榜單的最後:Apple MusicApple地圖。

Microsoft cares about lists like this for an important reason. They paint a very clear picture of what people need and want their phones to do -- and it's not the stuff that Microsoft builds.

Microsoft did not respond to requests for comment.

To its credit, Microsoft (MSFTTech30) has been doing a commendable job of building a mobile-friendly bundle of products, including free versions of its uber-popular Office 365 suite of apps.
值得人們讚揚的是,微軟製造大量能與智慧手機整合的產品一直以來都備受認同,包括它們適用於Office 365的免費熱門應用程式。

With Windows 10, apps that developers write for the PC will also work on Microsoft's phones. That could help the platform bust out of its longstanding "chicken and egg" problem: Too few people have Windows phones for developers to care about making apps for the platform, and customers don't want to buy Windows phones because they don't have enough apps.
Windows 10作業系統中,研發者為了電腦所寫的應用程式也能夠用於微軟手機上,這可以幫助平台破解長期存在的「先有雞還是先有蛋」的問題:使用微軟手機的人太少以致研發者不會特別為此平台設計應用程式,而顧客不想要買微軟手機因為他們沒有足夠的應用程式。

But Microsoft is one of the biggest software companies on the planet. To not be in the top 10 on mobile has got to hurt.

Google and Apple's presence on the list makes sense, since their apps are native to their phones. People don't have to download the Gmail app to use it on an Android phone or Apple Music on an iPhone.
谷歌和蘋果都有自己的手機原生應用程式,因此他們出現在榜單上非常合理,人們不用在安卓手機上下載Gmail或是在iPhone上下載Apple Music

Even if Windows never takes off on mobile devices, Microsoft should be encouraged by Facebook's success.

Without its own mobile operating system, Facebook is still dominant on mobile. People choose to download and use Facebook and Instagram on their own regardless of which device they have.


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