North Korean elite is turning against Kim Jong-un, says defector 脫北者:北韓高層已經轉向反對金正恩

N orth Korea 's elite are outwardly expressing their discontent towards Kim Jong-un and his government as more outside information trickles into the isolated nation, the country’s former deputy ambassador to London has said. 前北韓駐倫敦副大使表示,隨著外面世界的訊息漸漸傳入北韓這個與世隔絕的國度,現在北韓政府高層正公開表達他們對於金正恩及其執政政府的不滿。 Thae Yong-ho defected to South Korea in August last year and since December has been speaking to media and appearing on television to discuss his defection and his life as a North Korean envoy. 在去年的八月,(前北韓外交官)太永浩叛逃到南韓,從十二月開始他就公開與媒體交流,並上電視談論他對國家的背叛以及其在擔任北韓外交官的生活。 “ When Kim Jong-un first came to power, I was hopeful that he would make reasonable and rational decisions to save North Korea from poverty, but I soon fell into despair watching him purging officials for no proper reasons,” Thae said during his first news conference with foreign media on Wednesday. 「當金正恩剛上任時,我對他充滿希望,我當時認為他會用合理且理性的方式幫助北韓脫離貧困,但是看著他用不正當的理由肅清其他的官員,讓我很快就陷入失望。」 “ Low-level dissent or criticism of the regime,...