CNN Student News 2014/12/11 中文翻譯

"Time" Magazine Names Ebola Fighters People of the Year; All about Nor`easter; Dissolving Glossophobia
Aired December 11, 2014 - 04:00:00   ET

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CARL AZUZ, CNN ANCHOR: Hi, I`m Carl Azuz. Thank you for taking ten minutes for CNN STUDENT NEWS. For more than 80 years, "Time" magazine has named a person of the year. It started with aviator Charles Lindbergh for 1927. This year it`s not just one person, it`s all of those who`ve helped fight the Ebola virus in West Africa, the worst Ebola outbreak in recorded history.
CNN主播CARL AZUZ:嗨,我是Carl Azuz,感謝你花十分鐘收看CNN STUDENT NEWS,超過80年,《時代》(Time)雜誌會決定年度風雲人物,它是從1927年的飛行員查爾斯·林白(Charles Lindbergh)開始,今年它(年度風雲人物)不只有一個人,是所有在西非幫忙對抗歷史記載以來最嚴重的伊波拉的爆發的那些人們。

 "Time`s" managing editor says when there wasn`t much to stop Ebola`s spread with governments unprepared, some health officials dragging their feet. It was the first responders, the local doctors, the international aid organizations who stepped up to save lives and earn recognition as the people of the year.

The World Health Organization says almost 18,000 Ebola cases have been diagnosed since the outbreak started. Around 6400 people have died from it, Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone have been hardest hit, but they are making progress.
世界衛生組織(The World Health Organization, WHO)表示自從疫情爆發開始已經將近18,000伊波拉的病例被診斷出來,大約6400人死於它(伊波拉病毒感染),幾內亞、賴比瑞亞和獅子山疫情最為嚴重,但他們正在有所進展。

Slushed. One really accurate word being used to describe the U.S. northeast. Moisture from the Atlantic Ocean has clashed with cold air. The results: chilly, miserable rain in some places, like you are seeing here from Long Island. The New York metro area has gotten nearly three inches, a record amount of rain this week. And another spots, a winter wonderland for the moment.

The National Weather Service says the six to ten inches of snow in parts of Maine will be glazed by freezing rain throughout the rest of the week. And the coast will be battered by gusting wind. It`s like a circular water sprinkler is spiraling up through New England, and for all of it, a nor`easter is to blame.
美國國家氣象局(National Weather Service, NWS)表示在緬因州的某些地區將會因為本週接下來幾天的凍雨而被610英吋的雪覆蓋,而沿海地區將會狂風肆虐,就像是環形的灑水器螺旋上升通過新英格蘭(註一),而這一切,起因都是東北風暴。

ROB MARCIANO, CNN CORRESPONDENT: A nor`easter is a storm that typically happens in the northeast. That`s not why it`s called the nor`easter, though. The name comes from the wind, or the prevailing wind that you typically get from that sort of storm, which is out of the northeast.
CNN特派記者ROB MARCIANO:東北風暴是通常發生東北部的暴風雨,不過這並不是它被稱為東北風暴的原因,這個名字源自於通常來自東北方的可以說是暴風雨所造成的風,或是盛行季風。

And the bigger, stronger the storm, the stronger the nor`east wind is. Nor`easters are typically a weak storm that make their way across the U.S. and will get a little bit of energy from the jet stream, and then when it hits the coast, that difference in temperature between the land and the ocean, that gives them a little bit more in the way of instability and more fuel for the fire.

Common characteristics of a nor`easter are wind, rain, sometimes snow, definitely waves battering the coastline, and because of that you can get some beach erosion, you can get some coastal flooding. A storm surge is possible as well.
東北風暴常見的特徵有風、雨、有時候會有雪、肯定會有海浪襲擊海岸線,而因此會發生一些海灘侵蝕的情況、一些沿海洪水泛濫,風暴潮(storm surge)(註二)(的發生)也是有可能的。

So, a lot of damage can be done not only along the shoreline, but also inland in form of winds and heavy snow, sometimes nor`easters can dump several feet of snow, especially at the higher terrain.

Nor`easters typically happen anywhere really from September all the way to May. The more intense ones happen really in the fall and winter time, but spring time, you can get some nor`easters that have some devastating winds.

Nor`easters and hurricanes are completely different, because they drive their energy from two completely different sources. Your hurricanes get your energy from the warm waters of the Atlantic Ocean, and that latent heat release is what drives the engine. Once a hurricane comes on land, it loses its energy. 
東北風暴和颶風是完全不同的,因為他們的能量是兩個完全不同的來源驅動的,颶風是從大西洋的溫暖水域形成的,而且那潛熱(latent heat)(註三)的釋放就是驅動它的能源,一旦颶風來到陸地,它就會失去它的能量。

A nor`easters gets its energy from the differences between hot and cold, often a blizzard will come from a strong nor`easter, so in some cases they can be one and the same. Blinding snow and wind, winds blowing 35-40 miles an hour, and obviously, devastating cold. And that`s why the strongest nor`easters typically happen in fall and winter when you have that dynamic contrast in temperatures.

AZUZ: Who wrote the Declaration of Independence? That`s a question on the U.S. citizenship test. 
AZUZ:誰寫下獨立宣言(Declaration of Independence(註四)?這是美國公民考試中的一個問題。

We`ll give you some options. James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, or Ben Franklin? The answer later became our third president. It`s Thomas Jefferson.

In North Dakota, state lawmakers are considering making the citizenship test a requirement to get a high school diploma. Several other states are debating something like this. Supporters say it will be a step toward improving young American civics knowledge. Opponents say another test won`t get them more engage in U.S. history.

If the bill passes, students would have to get 60 out of 100 questions right. Including, the number of justices on the U.S. Supreme Court. Is it six, eight, nine or 12? The answer, including the Chief Justice is 9.

If the president and vice president can no longer serve, who is next in line for the presidency? The Speaker of the House, the Secretary of State or the Defense Secretary? The answer is Speaker of the House. In the actual U.S. citizenship test, the answers are not multiple choice.

That men, Romeo and Santa Claus. They are not just popular characters, they are actual places. There is a city named Batman in Turkey, a town named Romeo in Colorado, and the Santa Claus in Arizona, Georgia and Indiana. Now, that`s random and confusing the reindeer.
那些男人們,羅密歐和聖誕老人,他們不只是受歡迎的人物,還是實際的地點,在土耳其有一個名叫蝙蝠俠的城市、在美國科羅拉多州有一個叫羅密歐的城鎮以及在亞利桑那州、佐治亞州和印地安那州的聖誕老人,現在,that’s random並擾亂麋鹿。

All right. In North Atlanta High School yesterday, I was asked if I get nervous before anchoring CNN STUDENT NEWS. I was on my very first show, but not anymore. Partly because I follow several tips for giving a successful speech. Be prepared, knowing your material, be conversational and practice, practice, practice. I`ve done it. Here`s some message your speech teachers might cover.
好吧,昨天在北亞特蘭大高中,我被問到在主持CNN STUDENT NEWS前會不會緊張,我第一詞主持的時候是(很緊張)的,但現在不是了,部份原因來自於我採用許多發表成功演說的技巧,做好準備、了解你的材料、健談一點並且練習、練習再練習,我就做到了,以下是你的演說老師可能隱藏的訊息。

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Your heart rates, sweat drips and neck and back literally stiffen. Your mouth goes dry. Mark Twain once said, there are two types of speakers: those who get nervous and those who are liars. But it doesn`t have to be difficult. There are some very simple ways to become great at speaking your mind.

It blows my mind how many people are scared of public speaking. Otherwise known as glossophobia. But it`s definitely a thing. And it`s not just the panic you are feeling, but that feeling of nausea and physical distress when, fight or flight response(註五) kicks in. So, what can you do to get over it? I caught up with the speechwriting gurus from the Oratory Laboratory to find out. Why do you think people are so afraid of public speaking?
我很驚訝許多人害怕公開演說,另一種講法是公開發言恐懼症,但這確實是存在的,這不只是會感受到恐慌,而是會反胃和身體上的痛苦,當戰鬥或逃跑反應(fight or flight response)襲來。所以你該如何克服它?我找上演講實驗室的演講稿寫作專家來找出答案,你認為人們為何會如此害怕公開演說?

VICTORIA WELLMAN, CO-FOUNDER, THE ORATORY LABORATORY: People are afraid of the audience, right? That`s why they think. They walk into room and they’re like oh, everyone is looking at me, right? So, you are the hero of your story, and when you are giving a speech, you`ve got to remember, that you’re up there because people ask you to tell the story, and it`s your version only, it`s no one else`s speech. If you remember that, you are going to spend a lot less time being scared of the audience.
演講實驗室的共同創立者VICTORIA WELLMAN:人們害怕觀眾對嗎?這就是為甚麼他們這麼想,他們走進...每個人都看著我對吧?所以你是你故事的英雄,而且當你在發表演說,你要記住,你站上那裡是因為人們要求你講故事,而且這只是你的版本,並不是任何人的演說,如果你記住這點,你將會花掉更少的時間在害怕觀眾。

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: So, when people are preparing for the speech, what are the best ways to kind of prepare in order to be as comfortable as possible?

NATHAN PHILLIPS, CO-FOUNDER, THE ORATORY LABORATORY: The way you prepare for a speech is the same way you should prepare for telling any great story. 
演講實驗室的共同創立者NATHAN PHILLIPS:準備發表演說的方法和準備說精采故事的方法是一樣的。

First of all, think of something that makes you excited, and enframe the speech around that, and really just think about how great it is. And then let that carry you through the process.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (voice over): With all those tips in mind, we decided to set up on a sidewalk and face one of the toughest crowds around: New Yorkers. First, Nathan gave me a few pointers.

PHILLIPS: Just take what you are passionate about, right? Frame it with a little bit of a story, and then celebrate whatever it is they want to celebrate.
就只要選你最有興趣的就好,好嗎? 用它當架構,配合一點小故事,然後讚美所有他們想讚美的,不管是甚麼。

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We got a little crowd tonight asked a few questions.

PHILLIPS: Let`s get a little crowd together.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (on camera): Oh, they are cool.

PHILLIPS: How about you, folks? What`s your name?
那你呢,朋友? 你叫什麼名字?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Jessica. What are you doing hanging out in park? So, what are you writing about? So, what`s the secret sauce?
身分不名的男性:Jessica,你為什麼會在公園裡面閒晃呢? 你在寫些什麼呢? 秘方是什麼呢?

(voice over): And then, isn`t just a few bits of information I got, I took a shot at toasting the total stranger.

(on camera): And I just wanted to lift up Jessica - intellectual, genius, that has been able to come out here today and she didn`t have to spend time in the office, but she could spend time working on what she cares about, on what she loves the most. Here`s to never being scared to doing what you always wanted to do. Here`s to Jessica.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If you work at it and you have the confidence and believe in yourself, you can be a champion as well.

[ROLL CALL](skipped)

The plural of mongoose is mongooses. Why am I telling you this? Well, it`s not just one mongoose that`s diving into this ball pit. It`s a business of mongooses. And they didn`t just randomly take over. Workers at the Houston Zoo filled up a kitty pool with plastic balls to let the mongooses play, dig and generally have a ball, get it? Digging is part of their normal behavior, playing just adds to the fun, watching lets us see how cute they are.
貓鼬(mongoose)的複數是mongooses,為什麼我要告訴你這個? 因為不只一隻貓鼬跳進這個球坑裡,這是貓鼬的事業,而且牠們不只是隨機的占領,休士頓動物園的員工用塑膠球填滿整個小池子,讓貓鼬們玩、挖並且過得快樂【雙關-1】,懂了嗎? 挖是牠們正常行為的一部分,玩只是增加趣味,我們來看看牠們有多可愛。
You can tell they really dig it. They can ferret out some fun, when let loose, the goose’s induced (ph) boost loosed up one goosed up run and help me goose up some puns.
I`m Carl Agoose for CNN STUDENT NEWS.
你能看出牠們真的在挖,牠們可以搜出一些樂趣,當釋放時,鵝,我是CNN STUDENT NEWSCarl Azuz.

(註一)New England 新英格蘭,位於美國大陸東北角,包括美國的六個,由北至南分別為:緬因州新罕布夏佛蒙特州麻省羅德島州康乃狄克州
(註二)storm surge 風暴潮 維基百科
(註三)latent heat 潛熱 維基百科
(註四) United States Declaration of Independence 美國獨立宣言 維基百科
(註五) fight or flight response 維基百科


1. have a ball 度過快樂、興奮時光;配合貓鼬玩球的主題


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