
目前顯示的是 5月, 2016的文章

Google is growing its ads -- in size and in number. Google正在增加廣告的篇幅與數量

Later this year, Google is going to start handing over more space to advertisers, and allow their ads to pop up in loads of new places: Google Maps ads could even start showing up while you're driving. 今年下半年, Google 將會開始分配更多空間給廣告商,並允許他們的廣告在很多新的位置跳出, Google 地圖廣告可能甚至在你開車的時候出現。 In an effort to boost its primary source of revenue (search) in the face of rapidly changing customer behavior (mobile), Google said it is making search ads bigger. 因為面臨顧客行為的快速改變,他們努力提高主要收益來源 ( 搜尋 ) , Google 表示他們會讓搜尋廣告 篇幅 變得更大。 Last year,   Google( GOOGL ,   Tech30 )   added a third ad at the top of its mobile search results page. 去年, Google 將它的手機搜尋結果頁面頂端的廣告篇幅增加三分之一。 But Google's latest changes are far more substantial. 但是 Google 的最新的重大改變不僅如此。 Google currently gives search advertisers 25 characters for a headline and 70 characters for a description. Google 目前提供搜尋廣告商 25 字的標題與 70 字的內容描述。 That's going up to 60 characters for a headline, split between two lines, and 80...

Meet the entrepreneur helping Chinese people avoid names like 'Furry' 來見見這位幫助中國人避免像是Furry(毛毛)這種名字的企業家!

Washing Liquid, Twinkie, Purple Grape, Superman, Furry. 清潔劑、奶油蛋糕、紫色葡萄、超人、毛毛。 These are some of the offbeat English names that Chinese people have chosen for themselves, often not realizing that they may elicit smirks or baffled looks. 這是一些稀奇古怪英文名字,都是中國人為自己取的,而人們在挑選英文名字時常常沒有意識到那些名字可能會讓聽到的人會心一笑或是露出困惑的表情。 American entrepreneur Lindsay Jernigan is trying to change that with her website, BestEnglishName.com. For as little as 148 yuan ($22), she helps Chinese people select a more appropriate name. The 26-year-old came up with the idea while working in the Shanghai office of a real estate developer where her Chinese colleagues had names like Apple, Boat and Olilia. 美國企業家林瑟.傑尼根( Lindsay Jernigan )試著要用她的網站 BestEnglishName.com 改變這樣的狀況,只要用 148 元( 22 塊美金),她就會幫中國人選一個更恰當的名字,現在 26 歲的她曾經在地產發展商公司的上海辦公室工作時,有同事的英文名字叫做 Apple( 蘋果 ) 、 Boat( 船船 ) 和 Olilia( 歐莉莉雅 ) ,讓她擁有了這個創業的點子。 "I noticed that Westerners would immediately them and not see them as real people -- people who were sma...