Cai Guo-Qiang: The artist who 'paints' with explosives 用爆炸作畫的藝術家 -蔡國強
(CNN) -While other artists turn to the easel with paint or pastels, Cai Guo-Qiang prefers to make a statement with explosives. (CNN) - 當其他的藝術家們拿著顏料和粉彩轉向畫架時,蔡國強則選擇用爆破來表現。 Born in Quanzhou, China but based in New York, Cai has made a career from bending gunpowder to his will. His most well-known work arguably takes two divergent routes: aerial firework displays or vast gunpowder paintings made by detonating large trails of it on to paper, ignited live in front of a live audience. Transient or permanent, his oeuvre is always spectacular. 蔡國強出生於中國泉州,但在紐約紮根生活,他如自己所願的開啟了探索火藥的職業生涯。 他最有名的作品無疑是採用兩種不同的方式:空中的煙火秀或是藉由在紙上引爆一大串火藥的大型火藥圖,在現場觀眾面前現場點燃。不論是稍縱即逝的或是永久留存的,他的所有作品總是很壯觀。 "The most powerful artwork is when there's fear," says Cai, speaking from Qatar where he has curated an exhibition of Chinese artists, commissioned by Sheikha Al Mayassa. 由館長 Sheikha Al Mayassa 委任蔡國強在卡達策畫中國藝術家聯展時,他說:「恐懼能創造出最震撼的作品。」 When it comes to explosions...