MyShake quake app invites public testing / MyShake地震預警app邀請大眾測試
For its release, MyShake is available for Android devices; an iOS version will likely come with time. 新推出的 MyShake 能在 Android 設備上運行, iOS 的版本可能會在未來推出。 A new app that turns a smartphone into a mobile seismometer is being rolled out by California scientists. 加州研究人員所推出的新 app 使智慧型手機也能當成地震儀來使用。 Known as MyShake , it can sense an earthquake even when the cell device is being carried in a pocket or a bag. 之所以會被叫作 MyShake 是因為就算把手機放在口袋或是包包裡它都能檢測出地震。 The researchers want users to download the app, in the first instance, to help test and improve its capabilities. 研究人員希望使用者下載這個 app ,首先是為了幫助測試並改善它的功能。 But ultimately the idea is that recruited phones will be part of a network that not only gathers data but also issues alerts. 但是這個想法最終是讓有參與的手機成為網路的一部分,不只能彙集數據,還能發布警報。 Destructive ground motions take time to move out from the epicentre of a large tremor, meaning people at more distant locations could receive several seconds' vital warning on their phones. 破壞性的地面震動...