25 of the best reasons to travel 25個旅行的理由

Last week we asked on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram why you love to travel. You hit back with some pretty interesting, inspirational and, in some cases, downright beautiful reasons. 上週我們在臉書、推特、Instagram上徵求你旅遊的原因,各位熱烈地提供了相當有趣、有啟發性,甚至有些極其美麗的理由。 Whether you love travel for the adventure, the education or the food, you’ll certainly be able to relate to a few of these. Here are 25 of our favourites – feel free to share why you love to travel in the comments below. 不論你喜愛旅遊的目的是為了冒險、教育或是美食,這些理由的其中一些絕對會讓你們覺得與切身相關,以下是25個我們最喜歡的理由-請盡情地在你熱愛旅遊的原因下方留言。 1. I love to travel because it makes you fall in love with your life. – by Amandeep Mathur on Facebook 1.我愛旅遊,因為它讓你愛上你的生活。 2. I love to travel because there is always something new to taste. – by @devourmalaga on Twitter 2.我愛旅遊,因為旅遊總能體驗新的味道。 3. I love to travel because the souls you meet along the way leave an imprint on you and your own personal growth. You see things in awe, and make memories. – by Lee Morgan on Facebook 3.我熱愛旅遊,因為沿途上遇到的...