Will hacking nature protect us from climate change? 入侵大自然可以保護我們不受氣候變遷影響嗎?
(CNN) To avoid a global warming catastrophe by the end of the century, humans may need to actually hack the climate. 為了避免在這一世紀末發生全球暖化的災難,人類可能會需要真的入侵氣候。 Whether you call it hacking, or "fiddling with the knobs in the climate system," or the less-imaginative "geoengineering," it revolves around this question: Can humans game the system by using science to reverse global warming? 不論說是入侵或是「亂轉氣候體系的把手」或是用比較沒想像力的講法「地球工程」, 這都圍繞著這 個問題,人類可以用科學勝過大自然,來反轉全球暖化嗎? One way to keep global average temperatures from warming beyond a catastrophic 2-degree-celsius tipping point , according to some experts, is to suck massive amounts of CO2 out of the atmosphere. 要保持全球均溫不暖化成攝氏 2 度的災難 臨界點 ,根據一些專家所述,有一個方法是要從大氣層中吸出大量的二氧化氮。 How would you do that? 那樣要怎麼做? Responding to a recent climate change story by CNN's John Sutter, Trevor Algatt of Los Angeles asked about a possible solution he heard about. 回覆最近一則由 CNN 的 John Sutter 所寫的氣候變遷故事,拉斯維加斯的 Trevor Algatt 提到一個他耳聞的可能解決辦法...